~ Chapter 13 ~

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I ran downstairs and opened the door. I looked around but didn't see anyone. I stood watching the light rain falling when I heard a quiet sound on the porch. I turned and there I saw Zac looking at me. I didn't think he actually stayed, that was probably why Mr. Johanson called.

"Hi Zac, shouldn't you be at your house?" He smiled slightly. "No, I'm here, for you." I stared and his eyebrow raised just a little. "Okay...." I walked over to him slowly and leaned on the fence beside him. He looked down at me, having I was leaning and I was shorter than he was, just by a little bit. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

He looked up and turned to the rain. "I heard your birthday is coming up." I was surprised, I hadn't told anyone yet. "Well, yes, yes it is." He turned back to me. "I was wondering. For your birthday, do you want to...." I looked up at him. "Want to what?" He stared at me in the eyes, I could tell he was nervous, but I let him go on. "Go to the somewhere with me.... on a....." My eyes opened wide. "Really???" He smiled. "For real." I stopped leaning and looked up. "Yes!" 

"It's settled. Saturday? At the park, 12:00." Zac said. I nodded. "Of course, see ya then." He smiled looking carefully at me. He held out his hand for me to shake, but instead, I hugged him. He seemed surprised and both his hands were awkwardly out, but then he put his arms around me and hugged back. "See ya MK." We let go and he left in the rain. "Bye." I waved and went back inside.

Justin was waiting for me on the couch. When I had come downstairs he hadn't been there, now he was. "What were you doing out there?" I fumbled with my fingers and sat across from him. "There was a knock at the door I answered it." He cocked his head and looked carefully. "Who was there?" I looked down at my hands. "Zac." He stayed silent for a few moments. I finally looked up and he was standing up in front of me.

"Why? Mack, why?" I leaned back in my seat. "Cause." He blinked and came closer to me. I don't know why but he grabbed me by the arm and brought me upstairs to my room. "Show me your phone now." I handed it to him. "Here." He looked through the messages between me and Zac. 

*Ding Ding*

There was a new message it was from Zac. 'Can't wait, Mack, see you on Saturday.' I sighed, of course. "Oh, so you're meeting up with a boy huh?" I watched him and then looked back at my hands. "Yes." We stared intently at each other. It's as if our bond had been broken, it was all gone. "Wow." He said quietly. I could see his eyes flaring and he was ready to lunge at me. I sat on the bed not taking my eyes off of him. He came up closer to me and I scrambled backward. I hadn't known what had gotten into him, but he pushed me very hard into the bed, I hit my head on the backboard hard. He stopped for a second and looked at me as I opened my eyes. He shook his head in disgrace, pushing me deeper into my bed, he said. "Why did you have to?!?" He stood up I looked up a little. "Good Night!" He slammed the door, and I could hear him running to his room.



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I've been wanting to get this to 500 reads, and 50 votes, if you can make that happen I'd appreciate it!

See ya next time!

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