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It's official.

I'm going to die.

I watched as my mom started crying and the doctor rushed to help her as she collapsed to the floor.

Everything happened in slow motion. It felt like it was just a dream.

More like a nightmare.

I watched as the doctor approached me.


"I know, " I said, my voice wavering. "I'm gonna die. "

The doctor gave me a look that showed disappointment.

"That's not what we said. "

I shrugged. "You didn't have to. I know I will."

My mask melted away and the tears I tried so hard to keep hidden fell and I cracked.

I mean, if you learned you'd die within a year, you'd be pretty damn scared and upset, now wouldn't you?

Now, let me introduce myself. I'm Gerard Authur Way. I was seventeen at the time of this. I'd just learned I had cancer.

Now, I'm not exactly welcoming when it comes to death. It scares the hell out of me. I mean, no one knows for sure what happens and that thought alone could get me having a panic attack.

I wasn't afraid of leaving my loved ones or friends. All I had was my mom and I could say goodbye. I didn't have friends. Not yet.

When mom learned I had cancer, we moved to New Jersey. Why, I don't even know. She seemed to think it was a good idea.

I, however, wasn't so sure. That's when I died my hair bright red and changed my attitude. I'd just be an ass to everyone and no one would mess with me, right? Wrong. Well, kinda.

Well, I guess we should dive right into the story then, shouldn't we?

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