•13• THE END

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Death has always scared Gerard. Over the next few weeks of being With Frank and pretending everything was okay, it came more of a realization than before.He didn't want to leave Frank. But, inevitably, he had to and Gerard came to a final decision. Leaving Frank would be so much easier if he just broke up with him and avoided him at all costs. When Gerard snuck out to Frank's house that Friday night, he had no idea how he was going to do it. He was really occupied with keeping the tears that threatened to fall in his eyes.

Frank was already in the backyard, just like Gerard had asked him to be, and smiled when he saw Gerard. When Frank pulled him into his arms, Gerard went rigid and froze, looking down at Frank.

"Frankie, we have to talk. "

Frank pulled back and looked at Gerard, his smile faded. "Is everything okay?"

Gerard shook his head. "Frank, I don't wanna lose you. But," He took a deep breath and looked into Frank's eyes,"The hardest part of this is leaving you. Not dying. It's you. I don't wanna lose you, Frankie. But I can't do this. "

Frank was quiet for a second. He looked up at Gerard, tears forming in his eyes.

" So you're breaking up with me? "

Gerard looked down at his shoes and nodded slowly, wincing when Frank let out a sob.

" Frank-"

Frank shook his head. "Gee, just please stop. Everything is okay."

It was a lie. Even Gerard knew it.

Gerard watched Frank with tears forming in his eyes. Eventually, his eyesight grew blurry.

"I'm sorry, Frankie," Gerard leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips across Frank's for the last time.

He turned and walked away, ignoring Frank's pleading by pulling out the car keys he snagged before he exited the house. He climbed into his mom's car and backed out of the driveway. He needed a distraction and driving was always fun to him.

When he was on the highway, he switched on the radio and smiled, despite himself, when he recognized the song. His friend was in the band that was playing. He quietly hummed the tune of the song out, in attempt to forget everything. He just wanted to forget. As the lyrics progressed, Gerard realized how much it was relating to him and Frank's situation.

"You surrender your heart. I surrender all my dreams. Every weapon you've got. Every secret that I keep. You can fight this all you want but tonight belongs to-"

Gerard didn't get to hear the last of the lyrics because while he was focusing on the song, his car swerved over into the oncoming lane. Before he blacked out, Gerard could see the headlights of the car he hit. Then he saw the railing of the side of the slight cliff.
That's when everything went black.
"Sparks against the railing. Distant phantoms wailing. Through the windshield sailing. With these airbags failing."

"But tonight belongs to me."

Frank Iero walked into the graveyard after the service and after everyone had left. He didn't want anyone to intrude. Or see him cry. He walked over to the grave of someone who he still held dearly in his heart and smiled slightly.

"Well, Gee, I'm here. I love you so fucking much. "

Frank's voice cracked and he sank down beside the gravestone and placed his hand over Gerard's name.

" I should have kissed you before you left. No, " Frank shook his head vigorously,"I shouldn't have let you fucking leave."
Frank wiped his nose and smiled down at the gavestone and looked up in the sky.

"Gee, I love you. More than anything."

Gerard sat beside him and smiled at the man, even though he couldn't see him. He wanted to let him know he was there watching over him. Gerard rested his head against Frank's shoulder as Frank leaned against the gravestone.

"It's like you're still here. I wanna believe you're here, but I've never been a huge ghost believer," Frank's laugh made Gerard smile.

"I'm here," Gerard whispered, slightly hoping Frank could hear. But of course, he didn't.

Instead,he stood and blew a kiss to the sky before walking off.

But Gerard followed. He had a new goal: He was Frank's guardian angel.

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