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The next day, Gerard woke up to the smell of coffee.

rust me when I say that he could smell coffee from two miles away. I mean, he is addicted anyway.

"Gerard! "

Even though he did smell coffee, he didn't want to get up right after he'd just woken. Coffee wasn't exactly that important. Or so he said to himself.

"Yeah, " Gerard called back, not sure who'd called him in the first place.

Frank appeared in the doorway with a slight smile on his face and his arms crossed.

"Your mom's at work and I made breakfast, " Frank smiled.

"And coffee, " Frank added. "So get your ass up and come on. "

Gerard groaned and rubbed his eyes with his hand and slowly, but surely, sat up, casting a glare in Frank's direction.

Frank smiled. "Go ahead, be mean to me. When you don't get coffee, you'll know why. "

Gerard rolled his eyes and slid out of bed, brushing past Frank and walking into the kitchen, where the smell off coffee was extra strong. Gerard went straight for the coffee, not even thinking twice about the food.

"You have to eat, too, " Frank rolled his eyes as he stood in the doorway. "You can't just live off of coffee. "

Gerard didn't even bother to put sugar or creamer in it; he just sat at the kitchen table and sipped at it.

Frank slid into the empty seat across from Gerard and shook his head at him and laughed.

"You're such a coffee whore. "

Gerard smiled into his cup and felt his cheeks go red. Even more so when Frank leaned over the table and whispered into Gerard's ear.

"And that's just going onto the list of reasons why I love Gerard Way. "

Gerard was blushing a lot and Frank sat back in his seat and watched Gerard with a grin.

"You're almost as red as your hair, " Frank laughed, earning an eye roll from Gerard.

"Okay, Frank. I'm tired, " Gerard sighed. "And I feel weird."

Frank looked over at Gerard. "What do you mean? "

Gerard put his cup down onto the table and shrugged.

"I feel sick and my fucking leg hurts. "

Gerard groaned and sat back and Frank looked at him with sad eyes.

"I'm fine, " Gerard added quickly.

Frank pinned his lips and looked down and when he looked back up, Gerard was standing, but he slumped over and Frank rushed to catch him before he fell.

"Gerard, " Frank rushed out.

Gerard looked at Frank with tears in his eyes.

"Frankie, I don't feel good. "

That's when Frank noticed Gerard's nose was bleeding.

It was also when Gerard passed out...


This was short but I started crying while writing (you'll understand later)  so I'm sorry. Please don't hate me ♥

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