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Gerard Way came to realize he'd have to live like nothing was wrong to show everyone, even himself, that there was a tiny bit of hope. To him, there was no hope. He'd die before he even lived. That's how he saw it and that's how he was always going to see it. The doctors said it wasn't bad. Yet. They said it's not to a point where he needs to be hospitalized. Yet.

Yet is a very powerful word, to Gerard. Because it's there. It's a surprise, good or bad, waiting to pop up at any second and scare the shit out of you. As Gerard stared at his desk in school, he regretted coming. Mostly because Frank was nowhere to be seen, but also because he felt like everyone's eyes were on him and it was driving him insane.

During lunch, however, Gerard finally found Frank sitting alone in the back corner of the cafeteria and Gerard decided to at least try to confront him. When Frank looked up and saw Gerard, he smiled at him and Gerard almost cried. Not because he was glad to see Frank. No, that's not exactly it. It was because being surrounded by strangers all fucking day and then seeing one familiar face, smiling at you. Trust me, you'd be happy, too.

"Hey, Gerard, " Frank greeted Gerard as he sat across from him.

Gerard offered a crooked grin. "Hey. So where's all your friends? "

Frank chuckled and Gerard watched how Frank's eyes brightened as he smiled.

"Well my best friend Hailey is somewhere and I dunno about Pete."

Gerard smiled in response. "Oh."

Frank almost jumped up and grinned at Gerard.

"Hey, you should come over to my house today. After school. Hailey and I were gonna go to this party at Pete's house. His parents are outta town. "

Gerard nervously bit at his lip. "Frank, parties aren't my thing. "

Frank even put on a pouty face. "Please, Gerard. Please? "

Frank then batted his eyelashes and Gerard rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Whatever. When I ruin the party, don't hate me."

Frank laughed. "You can't be that

bad. "

Gerard laughed and smiled over at Frank. "You'd be surprised. Frank, do I honestly look like a party type of guy? "

Frank shrugged. "You look cool, Gerard."

The bell rang and Gerard and Frank quickly exchanged phone numbers before following the crowd of students to their next classes. After school, maybe an hour or so after Gerard finished his homework, Gerard heard his phone vibrate from where he laid it on his dresser an hour prior to starting his Geometry homework.

Gerard unlocked the screen and saw that Frank had sent a message.

Frank: Hey :) What's your address?  Me and Hal are coming to pick you up.

Gerard sent his address and sat on his bed, waiting for a reply. About three minutes later, he received another message.

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