Story 4) What Was That For?

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Raven POV:
I was reading on the couch drinking herbal tea as usual when I heard someone come in from the door.

I didn't even bother looking so I continued reading, thinking it was probably Starfire or any of the other Titans.

Boy was I wrong.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me and I had the urge to turn around but before I could get a full glance of the person he kissed me on the lips which hit me by surprise.

"Hey mama." Beast boy said with a goofy grin.

"What was that for?" I asked putting my book aside.

"I did that because I love you and I just wanted to kiss you good morning." He replied kissing me again this time I kissed back.

"I guess stake would have to wait." Cyborg said walking away from what he just encountered.


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