Story 7) Memories

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Beast boy and Raven were about to have their wedding. They were very thrilled yet terrified. By terrified I mean Raven was the only one that was terrified.

"Garfield?" Raven asked her fiancé by his real name.

"Yes Rae?" He responded.

"I'm not so sure if we should even have this wedding." Raven confessed looking down gloomily.

"Why not babe?" He asked her with a concern tone in his voice.

"I'm just so scared that... that... Trigon will come back or that he'll ruin the wedding. Or Slade will try to ruin it or-"

"Babe." Beast boy interrupted. "You have nothing to be afraid of. Our wedding is going to be great. I promise. If anything bad did happen, we'll have the Titans to help us so we shouldn't worry at all and don't you even think about bringing up Slade or Trigon because we defeated them a long time ago and not to mention we are UNSTOPPABLE!" Beast boy said doing a pose with his hands on hips looking off into the distance.

"Thanks Gar. I guess I just overreacted that's all." She said with a small smile on her face.

"Anytime and if you need me I'll be getting ready for our wedding." Beast boy said leaving Raven alone in her dressing room.

Raven sat on the small bench looking at the wedding dress on her lap. She started picturing Beast boy's goofy smile with his fang sticking out. She pictured his face when she accepted on going out with Beast boy for the first time.

Boy was he happy.

Raven thought to herself as she chuckled to herself.

You think you're alone Raven but you're not.

That time when Beast boy said that to Raven after the Titans defeated Malchior. She felt so happy and loved she had to hug him.

It was one of the best moments of her life.

You know I'll always love you... right?

That was what Beast boy said to Raven on their date taking a stroll in the park.

But when they had their first kiss everything turned around. They kissed when all of a sudden a kid was screaming from a tree falling. They looked to see the tree falling and the kid screaming.

Beast boy was the first to take action as he turned into a gorilla to hold the tree up and place it away from the child's harm.

"Thank you Beast boy you saved my life." The kid said happily.

"Anytime kid." Beast boy replied with a smile. He turned behind him to find that Raven wasn't there.

"Raven?" He asked himself looking around his surroundings. He looked all over the park but couldn't find her.

After 15 minutes of looking he decided to go back to the tower thinking that Raven would be in her room.

But she wasn't.

He was flying above the tower when we noticed Raven meditating on top of the tower.

So beautiful

He thought to himself as he flew next to her.

"Hey Rae you okay? How come you just ran off like that?" Beast boy asked.

"I just panicked that's all. My powers got out of hand and I... I risked a child's life." Raven said with a tear falling down her face.

"You probably don't like me anymore...right?"

"Of course not." The changeling objected. "Why would I ever hate you? You just made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes that's all. Unlike Terra that's a whole different story but you're... beautiful."

She stopped meditating and glanced at Beast boy giving him a confused look. Beast boy instantly covered his mouth regretting the fact that he called Raven beautiful out loud.

"Did you really mean what you said? Am I actually beautiful?" The empath asked.

The green changeling placed his index finger on Raven's lips.

He instantly removed his finger and quickly kissed her before she could object.

You know I'll always love you... right?

"RAVEN HEY RAVEN!" Beast boy asked making Raven jump a bit.

"Yes Gar?"

"Are you ready?"

"Almost." Raven said as she looked at herself in her wedding dress. She left the dressing room to join the others and was more than excited for what adventures with Beast boy were ahead.


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