Story 9) Meeting Arella

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"Are you sure about this Beast boy?" I asked him as we entered Azarath.

"I told you Rave, I'm positive. We came here to meet your mom for her approval in our relationship and that is what we're going to do." Beast boy said with confidence.

"Alright.." I said unsurely as we made our way through the empty city of Azarath.

Just as I remembered from the last time I came.

I started to feel a bit nervous so I pulled my hood up and blushed. Beast boy could somehow tell so he held my hand and that made me blush even more.

"Why are you so nervous babe?" Beast boy asked. "Is she that bad?"

"No it's just... I haven't seen her in a while and we don't communicate much especially when I was younger and I just..." I trailed off.

I didn't want to offend him by what I thought.

"You can tell me Rae." He said while grinning at me.

"There's something I'm thinking about it's just that I don't want to offend you." I said looking down not meeting his gaze.

"You can tell me no matter how offending it might be I won't get mad I promise."

He touched my chin with his fingers and dragged it to his gaze.

Damn does he have such beautiful eyes.

I was just staring at his face admiring his beauty when he woke me from my trance.

"Hey Rave are you okay? You spaced out for a sec." He asked with concern.

"Oh yeah I'm fine I just-"

"What was it that you were going to tell me?" He interrupted.

"I just don't want my judge you...for"

I think that did it.

He looked down upset which is a look I haven't seen since Terra left. He let go of my hand and said...

"I knew you were going to say that." He looked at me.

I looked back at him as well.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I've always been judged of my skin since I got bit by that green monkey when I was a kid. People got scared of me, people looked at me funny, some people even laughed at me. I couldn't go to school anymore Raven. I lost everything I could've had." He started to tear up a bit as he spoke.

"Haven't you always wished of being a normal person? Having a normal life?"

That got us quiet for a while not looking at each other or saying anything until I broke the ice.

"Of course I've had Gar. I've always have. In case you forgot I'm the daughter of Trigon.  An evil demon that's my father. I've always wanted to have normal parents to communicate with and spend time with and learn from. I wanted a father that'll protect me and play with me and laugh with. And I had my mom but of course I was forbidden to see her often so I can control my emotions better. Not to mention controlling my emotions... You think you're the only one going through a hard time? We both are and the Titans."

I started to tear up as well. To my surprise Beast boy hugged me and I hugged back.

For a while we were just hugging enjoying each other's company.

"You know I love you...right?" Beast boy asked.

"Of course I do Gar and that would never change." I confirmed.

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