Story 10) Titanic

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Raven was on the roof not doing anything but standing and staring at the sunrise in front of her.

Looking at it made her feel calm and sane.

She exhaled and smiled to herself unaware of her green boyfriend sneaking up behind her with a smirk on his face.

"Hey Raven." Beast boy said happily as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Raven got startled by this causing her to let out a gasp in fright but couldn't move since Beast boy's grip was so tight.

Beast boy adjusted Raven's arms to make a T shape.

"There, now we are doing that famous scene from the Titanic." Beast boy said with a stupid silly grin on his face.

Raven got out of his grasp and slapped him in the face.

"Ouch Rae why'd you do that?!" Beast boy said rubbing his cheek filled with pain.

"Because you're stupid and don't you dare touch me like that again you understand?"

"Yes babe." Beast boy said as he was leaning in for a kiss. He was in that pose for a while so he opened his eyes only to find out that Raven was gone.


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