Story 5) Comfy

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The Titans hadn't had a crime in two days so they decided to just relax a bit and enjoy it while it lasts. All the Titans were enjoying it.

Especially two Titans.

Robin and Starfire went out on many of their dates while Cyborg went to the Titans East tower to take care of some business. While that just left Beast boy and Raven alone in the tower.

Beast boy was tired of just reading comic books in his room and decided to go to the common room to play video games in single player mode...which he hated.

Raven was reading in her room but for once she actually wanted company. So she decided to take the book she was reading and went to the common room hoping there would be someone she could talk to.

She opened the door to find a green changeling playing some sort of space video game sitting on the big black couch.

Without him noticing she silently strolled over to where he was and silently sat next to him reading her book.

"Hey Rae." He said casually looking at her grinning.

Just as he said that he looked at the screen to notice that he lost the game.

"DANG IT YOU DISTRACTED ME RAE!" He yelled angrily throwing the controller down to the floor.

"It's not my fault you looked at me." Raven stated flatly not looking up from her book.

"Ugh..." Beast boy complained staring at the screen upset.

Without preparing for what was about to happen Raven placed her head on Beast boy's chest continuing to read in a comfortable position making Beast boy glance at her and blush.

"What are you doing Raven?" He asked shyly confused at Raven as she continued to read saying absolutely nothing but grin to herself.


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