Story 11) Sick

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The fever has been going around Jump City for a week. All the Titans hoped they wouldn't get sick but unfortunately one of them did get sick.

And it was Raven.

She has been lying in bed all day just reading her books, drinking tea and drinking medicine.

Most of the day Cyborg and Starfire were helping her feel better while Beast boy was in his room reading his comics and playing video games on his TV console alone.

After a while he got bored and he was just laying on his bed.

I hope Raven is feeling better.

He thought to himself as he got out of bed and strolled to the medical room.

He approached to the door and opened it slightly and quietly only to find a calm sleeping Raven on the bed.

He smiled to himself pleased and satisfied to see Raven okay. He wanted to get a closer look at her so he quietly closed the door behind him and walked quietly toward Raven.

He got so close he was right next to her admiring her sleeping.

I hope this isn't considered creepy

Beast boy thought to himself as he shrugged the thought out of his mind.

"Raven..." Beast boy whispered gently to the sleeping beauty in front of him as she was resting in peace.

Wait what am I doing? She's going to kill me for this!

Just as Raven was opening her eyes slightly, Beast boy decided to make a run for it so he quickly left the room trying hard not to make any noise as possible.

Raven woke up hearing her name but when she opened her eyes there was no one to be found. She shrugged and fell back asleep.

It's been 3 hours since that happened and Raven was still sleeping while Beast Boy decided to go distract himself by playing video games with Cyborg in the common room.

"HA! I win again Beastie!" Cyborg cheered in victory.

"Dang it." Beast boy said upset, although he didn't sound upset he sounded more distracted by his thoughts.

"Yo BB are you feeling well? Do you need to rest? Maybe with someone in particular?" Cyborg said smirking at Beast Boy.

"DUDE! Come on don't think like that!" He said shoving Cyborg's shoulder.

"Sorry BB, but seriously though are you feeling okay?" Cyborg asked.

"Yeah it's just that I'm worried about Raven that's all." Beast boy confessed.

"Okay fine you can-"

"Fine what?" Beast boy interrupted.

"You can go and check on her if you want." Cyborg said while messing with the controllers.

"Thanks dude." Beast boy said as he dashed faster than a blink of an eye.

"But wait." Beast boy said as he went to the kitchen and retrieved chicken soup and storing it into the microwave.

After it was finished heating up Beast boy left again and went to the medical room where his beauty was resting.

Beast boy had the chicken soup in his hands and was carefully opening the door hoping it wouldn't wake Raven up, but unfortunately for the changeling she awoke as soon as she heard the door open.

"Beast boy what are you doing in here?" She asked tiredly.

"I came to bring you some soup." He replied with a large grin.

"You didn't have to I'm starting to feel better anyways." Raven said blushing a bit.

"It's alright Rae." Beast boy said as he was scooping up some soup from the bowl.

"Now say ahhhhh" Beast boy said bringing the spoon closer to Raven's face.

"Beast boy don't treat me like a baby I can feed myself." Raven said as she tried to grab the spoon.

"Rae it's alright, I'll feed ya." He replied moving the soup and spoon away from Raven.

"Garfield Logan give me the soup I got this." She said adjusting her position trying to reach it.

The two were fighting for a couple of seconds when all of a sudden Beast boy made the wrong move and spilled all of the soup on to Raven.

"BEASTBOY!!!" Raven yelled in rage.

"Whoops... my bad." Beast boy apologize with an innocent grin.

As if on cue, all the Titans came in running.

"Raven are you alright?" Robin asked.

"I was before Beast boy came in." She answered glaring at the changeling next to her.

"Ugh did Beast boy spill he soup all over you?" Cyborg asked.

"You know it." Raven replied back.

"I shall get the towels." Starfire said flying out of the room to get towels.

An hour has passed and out of the blue Raven felt better so the Titans decided to eat Chinese takeout for dinner.

As the Titans were coming into the common room Raven approached Beast boy and slapped him in the face.

"Don't you ever try to feed me again." Raven said while approaching to the table and leaving Beast boy rubbing his cheek in pain.

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