Story 13) Dreams...

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"AHHHHHHH!" Raven yelled in defeat as she just experienced her mother's death. Tears were falling out really fast as she kept crying more.

Earlier that day Raven decided to visit Azarath since she hasn't been there in almost a year.

When she arrived, she walked around her childhood home thinking about a lot of memories, lost in thought, until an old woman that seemed poor came running up to her and looked very scared and worried.

"Arella," she said out of breath. "She's- she's ill. A-and she's...dying."

Raven didn't know how to respond. She thought this was some sort of joke but she knew around here people would never joke about death. And she knew her mom was sick but not this bad.

"Thank you for letting me know." Raven said as she ran to her old home where her mom was laying in her bed, very exhausted and pale.

"Mother!" She yelled dashing next to her mother's side.
"Are you feeling alright?" She put her hand on her mom's forehead to check if she was feeling hot.

"Don't worry about me Raven. I'll be alright." She assured.

Raven could feel her face getting hot as tears start to melt away her vision.

"B-but mom..." Raven couldn't finish her sentence as she starts to silently cry in front of her mom.

"Shh shh." Arella says comforting Raven as much as possible bringing her into a meaningful hug that Raven would truly cherish.

"I love you Raven." Arella said grinning happily at her daughter.

"You have done so many amazing great things in your life and I hope you will never change."

"Mom, no please, if you can just hold on I can be able to heal you." Raven insisted placing her hands on her mother's.

"Don't bother wasting your powers on me darling, it's not like I'll last any longer." Arella admitted with a very ill tone in her voice.

By now Raven was having a major meltdown crying into her mother's shoulder.

"Live your life to the fullest and show as much emotion as possible, but not too much..." Those were the last words she said as she started to fall into a very deep sleep that she'll never wake up from.

"NO!" Raven yelled as she woke up from her nightmare.

Just as she was feeling the fast beat of her heart she could hear footsteps running from the hallway near her room.

I must have woken Robin up.

Raven assumed as she heard a knock on her door.

"Don't worry about me Robin, I'm okay just go back to bed."

"But what if I'm not Robin?" An all to familiar voice called from the other side of the door.

"What is it now Beast boy?" Raven asked annoyed.

"Can you please at least open the door?" He asked kindly.

"Fine." Raven said as she got out of bed and went to open the door.

When she opened the door she saw the Changeling with adorable messy hair and a dark wood red T-shirt with Pokémon boxers on.

"Uh..." Raven started glancing at his attire.

"So what if I don't have full on pajamas like you do with your matching purple lace p-jays?" He stated looking at her pajamas.

"Well.." Raven said looking at her pajamas.

"Whatever... anyway why did you come here? What did you need?" She asked a bit impatiently.

"I just wanted to check on you to see if you're okay because for the past two nights I keep hearing you scream and every time I want to check on you Robin always stops me and checks on you himself and I just wanted to check on you myself." He explained.

"Well that's very kind of you." Raven complemented blushing. "But I'm good.. at least I'm doing better now."

"Is it because I'm here..?" He slyly asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ugh shut up." Raven rolled her eyes and shoved Beast boy's shoulder.

"And Rae if you need anything, please let me know. I'll be more than happy to be of your assistance." He said smiling very goofy like yet joyful.

"Thanks Beast boy." She said grinning back at Beast boy.

They were like that for a while until out of nowhere Beast boy kissed Raven on the cheek and turned into a cheetah and ran as fast as he could possibly go.

Raven didn't do anything. She just stood there and blushed. After a couple seconds she started to chuckle and blush some more.

"I'll definitely get some good night sleep." Raven said to herself.

"Finally. I'm so tired of hearing you scream when I have a dream about me and Bee." Cyborg said with a cup of coffee in his hand going back to his room.

Raven just shrugged it off and went back to her room.


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