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           The sun filtered between the towering skyscrapers of New York, but the rays of light didn't seem to able to touch the heart of Credence Barebone.

           He walked these days.  That's all he did, was walk.  Sure, he visited the shelter for the homeless and received a small serving of tasteless soup two times a day, and retreated to the shadows of the empty orphanage Modesty had been adopted in.  The one where he'd finally broken at the words "I'm done with you."

         Passerby hurried past him, and the only ones who bothered to look at him were only doing so to scowl at his dirty black clothes.  Mary Lou Barebone hadn't given him anything else to wear when she'd been alive.  Credence flinched visibly, and a woman walking a dog moved away from him upon seeing this, probably thinking he was a madman.

      He had flinched for with the memory of Ma Barebone was attached the memory of the belt.  Credence looked down at his hands; the welts had long faded into ugly scars and the slashes had hardened into scabs.  Credence felt his shoulders tense, but they relaxed as another memory floated into his mind's eye.

      Her hair was chocolate brown and cropped short.  Her eyes were kind and full of sympathy, and her voice was soothing... The magical woman who had been the only one who was able to calm Credence down in the subway.  But why?  Credence wasn't sure, but the sight of her had been familiar... Where had he seen her before?  Credence felt as if they had met.

         "Come on, not again!  You MACUSA scum are always picking me up, give me a break, eh?  Aw, come on..." A voice reached Credence's ears.  MACUSA?  That wasn't a term one heard every day.  He diverted his eyes from his hands and searched the crowd with a curious gaze.

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now