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       :: Porpentina's View ::

She studied him the entire meal.  He ate with head ducked, consuming tiny bites between long periods of time.  He kept his hands, calloused with scars, resting in his lap, and Tina could see his dark eyes darting around.  She wanted more than anything to embrace him, pour all of her heart into him, but knew he wasn't trusting of her enough yet.  

     After the dinner, she and Queenie cleaned up in just a few quick minutes, allowing Credence to relax and take in the environment.  He didn't, however, but simply sat stone still at the table, hunched and staring at his empty plate.  Afterwards, Queenie offered to show him the bedroom he would stay in, and it was her idea to take him by the hand as they led him to it. Tina took hold of the other one, a wave of emotion sweeping through her when she felt the old wounds brushing against her soft skin.

      "If you remember me, you'll probably remember Mr. Newt.  He stayed in this room with his friend, Jacob Kowalski," at the mention of the name, Tina thought she saw Queenie perk up, but she ignored it, as it was Credence who needed the attention at the moment.  "Pick whichever bed you like, Credence.  I'm sorry we don't have any night clothes for you to stay in... I'm sure Queenie will like to take you shopping tomorrow."  She patted Credence on the arm.  He didn't look at either of them.

      Before Tina closed the door, she turned and said, "You can stay here as long as you like, Credence.  You don't ever have to leave, if you don't want to." And she meant it.  At that moment, Tina didn't care if it would be difficult to support all three of them, even if both Queenie and her had jobs.  At that moment, she didn't care if she had to lie to the landowner that it was just her and Queenie.  All she cared was that Credence had a place to stay, and people to look after him.  

      "I'm going out, Queenie," Tina said quietly once they were in the room they shared.  "I've immobilized a thief in an alley way.  I was just about to bring him in when I saw Credence."  She said, pulling on her long coat.  While she was out, she could also make a stop at the post office and deliver her letter to Newt. Tina gasped. "Newt!" she exclaimed in a low voice. Queenie looked to her.  "He'll want to know!"

       "Newt?  He'll come skipping over the ocean like a stone if we tell him!" Queenie laughed cheerily.  "Won't it be great to see him again?"  Tina grinned.  Oh, Queenie had no idea how wonderful it would be to see Newt Scamander again. Her heart fluttered at the thought.

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now