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    Once back in the Laundromat, they waited for a while for the clothes to finish washing.  The place was empty, to Queenie's pleasure, for she waved her wand delicately, and the clothes dried and folded themselves, sliding into the bag she was carrying.

     Credence felt ashamed.  He should have been the one carrying the bag, and he held out his hand for it, gesturing that he wanted to hold it.  He felt his mind shift, and thoughts drifted clearly into his inner sight; Queenie smiled sweetly. 

     "No, no, dear, it's alright.  I don't mind carrying it.  I carry trays at the headquarters all the time, this is nothing.  You just relax, alright?" and she led him outside again, they were back in the apartment within thirty minutes.

    Queenie checked the clock on the mantel.  "Teenie should be back anytime."  And she was.  They had a lunch of sandwiches, and then Queenie went to work her shift at the headquarters while Tina took Credence for a walk to Central Park.

     The next week was very similar to Credence's first day staying with Tina and Queenie.  He had access to a shower, food, and bed.  When one was working, the other spent time with him.  When they were both off work, they took him to the Wizarding library, and checked out several books on magic with him.  He mostly gazed at the moving illustrations in his bed before he went to sleep, even though he didn't sleep much anyway.

     He was in the sitting room one twilight, hunched down in a wicker chair and pouring over a book titled Quidditch Through the Ages, intrigued by the funny names and unusual wizarding customs.  He'd already read History of Ilvermorny School twice and Hogwarts; A History, and several other books.  He was reading about the creation of the first broomstick (which Credence secretly longed for one) when Tina gave a shriek.  

     The book slid from Credence's grip and he looked around wildly, his pulse racing.  Tina noticed his fear, as her cry had infused him yet again with bad memories, and she ran to his side, placing a soft hand on his cheek.  "Oh!  I'm so sorry, Credence.  Nothing's wrong, I promise you," she looked to the window.  Wanting her touch to last forever, Credence kept his head still and didn't follow her gaze.  "It's just I think I have an owl from Newt!" This time, Credence looked over and spotted a soaring figure, headed towards their window.  

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now