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        :: Porpentina's View ::

Queenie rushed over and flung open the window.  Tina's hopes were confirmed when she saw it was the same Screech owl she'd sent Newt that flew into their sitting room.  A letter was attached to his leg, and he held it out proudly.  Credence looked very surprised.

     With fumbling hands, Tina untied the envelope, slit it open, and unfolded the parchment inside.

        Dear Tina,

Upon hearing your news, I am catching a Wizarding ship across the Atlantic as soon as possible.  Seeing as they travel faster than Muggle boats, I should be arriving at the ports in three days time.  I'm quite excited to be seeing you again.  Don't worry, I've finished all my research in this country, and I can take a break to come to America again.

     Your discovery of Credence is amazing!  To be honest, Tina, and I'm so sorry I never told you, but I had suspected Credence might be alive.  I saw a wisp of him leave the subway, but I never confided in you for fear I was incorrect... When I vanished two days before I left again, it was because I was out looking for him.  When I didn't find Credence, I assumed I was incorrect... I'll never forgive myself for not looking harder, and an infinite amount of thanks goes to you and Queenie for looking after him.

    Seeing you soon,


Tina handed the letter over for Queenie to read, and looked brightly to Credence.  "Newt is coming!  I wrote him, Credence, about finding you... I hope you don't mind, but he's the best person to help you understand magic," she knelt down before him, taking both of his hands in her's.  He was still sitting in the wicker chair, looking anxious.  "He'll be here in three days... Do you want to meet him Credence?" Credence replied with his usual silent and slow nod.  

     When Credence retreated to his room that night, Tina found herself staring at his door.  He hadn't uttered a single word his entire stay.  His eyes continued to look empty, and he kept his head low.  Tina desperately hoped Newt could make a difference.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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