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     She seemed to read his mind again, for she said, "I'm a Legilimens, honey.  I can read minds... I'm sorry, I know some people don't like it, but it is really difficult not to." She took the bag of clothes and paid with golden coins.  The clerk looked positively confused.

     "What are thes—" he was cut off as Queenie waved her wand, and the man scooped the coins off the counter with a momentarily blank expression.  "Have a good day, madame.  You too, young sir."  Queenie grinned and took Credence's hand.

     Queenie led him to a Laundromat and to the restroom in the back.  "Here you are," she said, handing him the bag of clothes.  "Change into something clean, and we'll wash the clothes you have on."  She smiled.

     Once dressed in the white button down shirt with the pull-over black sweater and black trousers, and of course his old shoes, Credence handed over his folded dirty, tattered clothes to Queenie.  Making sure nobody was looking, she tapped the rips in the cloth and they mended themselves.  Then, she placed them in the washer and tapped it with her wand again.  The machine started itself without any nickles being inserted.

    Though Credence was nervous to leave his clothes there, Queenie assured him they would be fine and led him a block away to none other than a bakery.

    Credence read Kowalski Bakery over the door before Queenie walked him inside, and a hearty man greeted her.  "Hello, Miss Queenie.  What might it be today?"  He chirped.  Credence hung back while Queenie purchased a baguette with silver coins, the man looking at them curiously but not questioning Queenie as they conversed.  He kept glancing over at Credence, and Credence felt the man might recognize him.

    They left the bakery after fifteen minutes and took their time heading back to the Laundromat.  Queenie chatted the entire way, pointing out the hidden Wizarding places, and she waved to a couple of seemingly normal people, but who she told Credence were her coworkers.  Credence was amazed with himself that he had been surrounded by magic, and never having been the wiser.


       I wrote above that Jacob might faintly recognize Credence, but I'm not sure if either of them ever actually laid eyes on each other in the film.  I saw it twice [be still my beating heart, I'm still obsessed with it] but I don't remember if Jacob ever knew what Credence looked like.

If one of you readers knows for certain whether or not they may have momentarily met, please let me know!  Your assurance would be greatly appreciated, and I do hope you are enjoying the story so far.  It's not my best writing; I can never really write fanfictions the same way I do my own creations.  

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now