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       :: Porpentina's View ::

When Tina had walked home the previous night after delivering the letter, her mind had been racing.  How on Earth did the Barebone boy survive?  She recalled speaking about it mournfully with Newt the day before he left, near tears as she said it wasn't fair that Credence died... Now that she thought about it, Newt had been quite evasive.  Tina concluded that he knew something.

      It was Queenie who awoke her.  Tina felt a slight jostling of her shoulder, and opened bleary eyes to see Queenie smiling down at her.  "Come on, Teenie, let's make Credence some breakfast," she turned away, pulling on a lavender bathrobe, only to turn around again.  "Thinking about Newt?" She asked in her usual airy voice.  Tina rubbed her eyes with one hand as she sat up, grinning slightly.  She didn't have to answer if Queenie had already read her mind and saw it was true.

    Once dressed, Tina exited her room to find Credence looking out of place.  He wore his black suit again, and the bags under his eyes were more defined.  Tina guessed he hadn't gotten much sleep.

     She approached him and placed a hand on his arm.  "Good morning Credence, it's good to see you up.  You do know, though, that you can sleep in if you want?"  Credence didn't answer, but was staring at the rug.  Tina slid her hand gently from his arm, smiling and heading into the kitchen.

      "We'll make some breakfast, alright?  Come sit at the table, Credence, honey." Said Queenie, joining Tina at the stove.  Credence moved slowly, pulled out a chair, and stared again at an empty plate.  

    Tine ate her eggs and toast and drank her pumpkin juice fairly quickly.  After brushing her teeth, she found that Credence had just finished, and was standing shyly beside Queenie while she silently showed him how she magically washed the dishes.  

    Tina embraced her sister with one arm, then patted Credence's shoulder.  "I'll be back in the late afternoon.  If the hearing for the Ipott thief goes smoothly, I might make it back in time for lunch," She pulled on her long trench coat and smiled at Credence.  "I'll see you two soon, alright?  Behave." She winked and exited the apartment.

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now