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      :: Credence's View ::

He was sleeping in his white button-down shirt and his black trousers.  Well, he wasn't sleeping at all.  His coat and thin neck-tie were draped over the iron bedpost.  His shoes were laying at the foot of the bed, and Credence wondered if he would leave in the morning.

     Nobody was making him stay or leave, yet he felt so out of place here...  Comfortable yet uncomfortable, unafraid yet nervous.  He sat up, attempting to calm himself down, telling himself over and over that he was lucky to be alive... 

      The excruciating knives of pain.  He could see through blurred vision the many witches and wizards all with their wands pointed towards him, jets of light burying themselves into Credence.  He could see the horrified expressions of the man called Newt, the Tina woman, the disappointed look on Mr. Graves' face.  His screeches reverberated off the walls of the subway, the light was tearing him to bits...

    And then he was weightless.  All thoughts vanished, only his conscious left to guide him away, but not before Newt caught a glimpse of him.  Too weak to go any further than the orphanage he'd taken Mr. Graves to, Credence had settled there.  He was not whole enough to worry about whether or not he'd ever regain a body, nor was he able to wish for death to rescue him.  He simply existed.  Then the first memory arrived.

    A memory of screams.  Then a memory of physical pain.  A third memory of fear and suppressed anxiety.  His thoughts began trickle back into his soul, and the memories came flooding back.  The belt, the nasty words, freak, the leaflets... 

    And suddenly Credence found himself huddled on the floor of he abandoned orphanage, with a body, but not quite whole... something was missing from his soul.  Something that had always been missing ever since Ma Barebone took him in.

Credence awoke with a start. He must have finally drifted off to sleep. Hugging his rib cage with his arms, Credence gazed out at the early morning, the silver stars wishing the sleeping city a good day... yet Credence still couldn't feel the stars beauty.

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now