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      Once she'd successfully delivered the thief to MACUSA headquarters, listening to him complain all the way about how boring it'd been to be immobolized for an hour and a half, Tina scurried to the hidden Wizarding Post Office. At the desk, she opened her letter and added the latest news. Once finished, she read it over again.


In response to your previous letter, I think it's excellent that you found a Crup.  I don't think, however, that you should buy it from the owners to study it.  I'm also glad to hear that you got out of that nasty situation with the octopus and centaur fight.  I believe that an octopus is a creature that No-Majs, or as you call them, Muggles, are familiar with.

    I really can't wait to read your book, and I look forward to seeing you in New York again.  When you're ready to travel over here, tell me where we should meet.  By the ports, or in a cafe?  I think by the ports would be easiest.

   Also, thank you for asking in your last letter, yes, my career is going very well.  Madame President is very pleased with my work as an Auror, but there's this pesky man who keeps getting himself trouble, and I'm always left to go and arrest him, because they keep letting him off with a warning.  I'm not complaining, though!  It's all thanks to you that I'm an Auror again.

    Signed, Tina

P.S    Newt, you won't believe it!  I'm writing this p.s before I'm sending it because today, while I was bringing that thief I was talking about, I saw... Credence.  The Barebone boy, the Second Salemer boy!

     He ran at first when I saw him, but I followed and eventually convinced him to come home.  He's staying in our second bedroom right this very minute!  Oh, Newt, I've never seen a more sad, beaten boy.  He was trembling the entire time I spoke to him, but I only told him to follow me if he wanted to.  Newt, I can't believe it, I just can't believe it... Is it a dream?  

With that, she placed the letter in an envelope, sealed it with a wax stamp provided by the Post Office, and tipped three Knuts into a long distance delivery Screech Owl's pouch, trying the letter to its foot and setting it off through the open window.  

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now