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      He moved back into his place, the delicate hand of the woman resting on his arm again.  Credence resumed his act of not looking at her.  "I'm Tina, Credence.  Porpentina Goldstein, but you can call me Tina..." she said.  If she was asking him to call her by her nickname, then she must've been thinking of keeping him around her long term.  "My sister is home, you'll like her.  Do you want to have a bed tonight, Credence?  It's only if you want to, alright?"  

      Before he knew it, Credence found himself being led into an apartment building minutes later.  The Tina woman walked at his comfortable slow pace, and she didn't make him feel like he was being dragged by touching him.  It was if she was saying that Credence could turn away if he wanted to, and follow if he didn't want to leave.  And Credence followed.

     The apartment was warm, and they arrived just as a blonde woman was lighting a blazing fire in the hearth as evening fell.  Credence's eyes widened.  He hadn't witnessed magic for what felt like decades.  He had thought he'd never see it again.

      The young woman, who kept her hair short like Tina's, but curled had bright and refreshing eyes, and when she noticed Credence hiding behind the Tina woman, a glittering smile spread across her cheeks.  Credence stared at his scuffed shoes.  

    "Is this...?" The woman asked in a light voice.  Porpentina nodded, and placed her hand on Credence's arm again.  "Mr. Credence?  I've heard about you." said the woman.  Her tone was cheerful, and sounded as if she was talking about some great accomplishment of Credence's.  It made Credence squirm; why wasn't she mad at him?  He'd caused so much trouble...

      He found himself being moved into the kitchen, where a pot of water was bubbling and a salad was tossing itself.  Credence allowed himself to feast his eyes on the beauty of it all.  The two women were whispering behind him, and Credence felt his shoulders tense.  He felt vulnerable; he didn't like to be the center of attention.

    The blonde witch appeared at his side.  "Credence?  I'm Queenie, we never met before," She grinned at him.  Credence sort of liked how they said his name when addressing him... it made him feel as if they were talking to him, not at him.  "Oh... You're hungry, aren't you?  Haven't had a bite to eat all day... And that soup they serve at the shelter, well it's not very good, is it, sweetie?" How did she know about the soup?  And he hadn't yet eaten that day?  Credence stared at the woman named Queenie when she was turned to the stove, waving her wand daintily and levitating foods that were chopping themselves...

   If this was a dream, Credence never wanted to wake up.

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now