Chapter 11 - The Mirror part IV

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Mare POV

It was the training grounds that we were heading to. I searched for the opponents who had to be waiting for me, readying myself. Not again. Not again would I hesitate to fight. I was only surprised I hadn't been brought to the Bowl of Bones to die. Maven's scheme was the most accurate. He had me in his grip, he had shown me around, so he was able to shine in his victory. Yet he had pretended I was safe, with accepteable surveillance and a nice meal, only to have me die on my birthday, O the poetic irony. The tyrant wasn't down here, he had to be watching from above instead of fighting me himself. I was beyond calling him a coward. It was merely clever. He knew what he had to do to sustain his reign withoug putting himself in danger. Too bad I didn't have such luxury, to keep out of the line of fire. A Red had to fend for herself on every day. A Newblood had to choose between masking her true self and risking rebellion, and the only mask I continued to wear painted the determination on my face.

One of the two Arvens produced a key and he removed the Silent Stone manacles. For a second, the relief was an elation to great for me to grasp. It was short-lived, however, as the silencer used his ability to drown me in numbness again. Yet alone being free of the handcuffs was more than I'd dared to hope for. I flexed my hands and stretched my arms, about to run into the combat, the only road that was still open to me.

My foe entered the stage. She wasn't an imposing figure, not brimming with power. She was a young girl, slight and weary, her clothes tattered as if she had been as much of a prisoner as myself.

"Mare Barrow, Flora Lerolan, now I grant you the option to fight for your freedom," Maven announced above me. "Vanquish three opponents, and you'll never have to wear shackles again!"

I didn't believe him. Certainly, this was just another amusement for him. The winner probably had to become his pet thug, like Griffey. Either way, I didn't intend to kill one of his enemies for him, when we should rather unite against him. But the Lerolan girl didn't share my qualms. As soon as the Arvens lifted the power block, she ran at me, invigorated by the prospects Maven offered. However she had become a prisoner, rebellion had left her with the promise of liberation, whatever it would cost her. I had to defend myself. As much as I regretted it, Lerolan would not ally with me, the Lightning Girl remained her enemy. I dodged her lunges, remembering an oblivion like her disintegrated matter by touch. It wasn't helpful that I'd eaten so much at my birthday dinner, but I tried not to be bothered.

Despite the release of my ability, I was afraid to call the lightning. It had been buried for so long, and I feared it would tear me apart. But I couldn't survive without it. My hands twitched, feeling the current flowing through my body. I evaded Lerolan again and again, swerving and feinting, as I extended my arm to let the tension find a release on its own. Lerolan shrieked and halted as the violet flash sliced her right arm. I noticed how small the flash had been. I would get nowhere this way, without gathering my powers first. I was only able to obstruct her attacks. She had come to the same conclusion, apparently. She threw herself at me while I hastily prepared to shoot another lightning. We tumbled down, and I felt Lerolan's ability sizzling where she touched me, threatening to cauterize my flesh. I struggled, trying to disturb her concentration. It seemed to be enough for now, as long as she didn't get on top of me. Then I realized it wasn't the oblivion alone that made my body seethe. The agitation had woken the storm inside of me, begging to be let out. I hesitated.

"I won't return to the dungeons, Red faker bitch," Lerolan panted. She shifted, and my skin burned anew, but I used her movement to free my legs and swing her away from me. I rose as she stumbled. The voltage grew stronger, almost reaching its former level. I prepared to hit, reining it in so much that I would merely knock her out. I breathed in, about to let go, as Lerolan tackled me again. It was pure reflex. My lightning fried her with full force and her dead body fell to the ground.

Someone clapped. I didn't turn around to confirm it was Maven. I didn't need to.

I straightened my composure, trying not to care about the girl I'd killed lying in front of me. Not my fault. I had to be ready for next two opponents Maven had chosen for me. I had no idea how to deal with them, regarding how quickly I got tired, but I wasn't allowed to show insecurity. I was the victorious Lightning Girl again. Let them be scared of me.

A door opened and I saw Evangeline escorting a man in his thirties. I didn't recognize him before she knocked him out with a trust of her elbow.

"I will be your opponent, little lightning girl," she hissed.

I expected her taunting, presumptuous smile, but there was no joy in her, only cold vindication. Her silver hair was bound back tightly and the metal on her leather clothes was less decorative and more of an arsenal. Likely she was going to throw all of that at me in an instant.

So she did. Dozens of metal objects took flight as I summoned my electricity to counter. I would have liked to create a shield with it, but I had neither the control nor the time for such sublety. Our powers clashed, obliterating each other to the greatest part, yet several shards breached the line and cut my skin.

I looked into Evangeline's frustated face. For a moment, I pitied her. She seemed as downcast as during the horrible funeral parade. I doubted she was still happy about becoming the one and only Queen of Norta. I wondered how Maven treated her -

My empathy was a mistake. I was distracted long enough for her to attack and I felt a tug on my ear. She pushed and pulled on my earrings. One of them drilled into my head. I screamed, more out of shock, even though the pain increased by the second. I lifted a hand to my ear, to stop the stabbing of my head. Instead, it was my hand that started to bleed, reminding every watcher of my origin. That was never a bad thing.

I fell to my knees, in false defeat, and gritted my teeth. I prepared a shot, but it had become more difficult for me to recharge. After such a long time being blocked, the current regained its strength slower than before.

Evangeline grinned. I shrieked at another harsh pull that tore out some of my earrings. Blood dripped to the floor, but nothing happened further. The pain lessened. The magnetron frowned, as the Arvens approached her. They must have silenced her. I should have tried to bolt, attacked them or the next opponent, but instead, I frantically searched for my earrings. It took me some moments to find and to grap them, and I already saw my gaolers, Sallos and her magnetron companion, towering over me.

I wasn't ready to return to my cage, to be numbed and enchained after I had touched the tension again. I had started to fight at last and I wouldn't stop now. I clenched my fist around the bloodied earrings, my other hand emitting sparks. But nothing more. I found myself unable to reach the current anymore. I could have sworn the sentinels smiled beneath their helmets. They came for me, and finally, I looked up to Maven. He smirked. I could not win.

Knowing it was what he wanted to see, I let the tears of frustration overwhelm and fall. He tracked their paths with hunger. It was too much. I fought against the sentinels restraining me, summoning the lightning once more, despite my better knowledge, and exhausted myself further. I felt a blow on my head and passed out.



Who isn't earring-obsessed?

I hope I haven't failed completely with the fight. And that this isn't worse than the last cliffhanger ...

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