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The girls in the audience screamed, and some even made aww sounds. My mouth just fell open in shock. I couldn’t remember how to talk. I looked into Nathan’s deep blue eyes and just nodded, tears filling my eyes. A huge smile filled his face as he pulled me into a long hug. He kissed my cheek before turning to the audience.

“Thanks everyone for coming out to see us tonight, we have been The Wanted, and next up is Plan B. GOODNIGHT!” He took my hand, and we bowed together before running offstage. Once we were behind the curtain, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. After a little while, we were interrupted by a series of coughs surrounding us. I quickly pulled away to see that all of the others were stood around watching us. I flushed bright red. I couldn’t help but wonder how long they had been stood there, or if they knew what just happened on stage.

“When you two love birds are quite finished,” Siva said (yep, they knew) “We are going to Nandos? You wanna come?” Me and Nathan exchanged an embarrassed look and then nodded to the others. We walked hand in hand out of the stage door. Us dancers went and got in the van, while the boys signed autographs for the fans that were outside. For some reason, I felt compelled to scan the crowds, so that’s what I did. Stood not far away from Nath, was a farmilliar face that I recognized from somewhere.

“Guys do you recognize her?” I asked the others once we were inside the van, gesturing towards the girl.

“Yeah Rach its that Vicki girl from the audition, remember?” Cassie said. I looked out of the window again. She was talking to Nathan now. I started to feel jealous for some reason, but I didn’t know why. I mean it wasn’t like Nathan would do anything. I laughed at myself and looked away. I didn’t even think about it again until I heard Lucy gasp.

“What is it Luce?” I asked cautiously. She didn’t say anything but gestured for me to turn around. I did as I was instructed, but then wished that I hadn’t. Nathan was kissing Vicki, and she had his face cupped in his hands. I felt a tear slowly trickle from my eye, followed by more. How could he do this to me?! I wanted to jump out of the van and slap him, but I guessed that doing that would please Vicki more. I...I...I HATED HIM!

“I’m so sorry Rach.” Alice said, putting one arm around me. Slowly, the other girls joined the hug, and I stopped holding in my tears. The van door slid open, and Jay walked in. He noticed that I was upset straight away, and joined the group hug.

“Rach what’s the matter?” I couldn’t not tell him. He was like a big brother to me. He pulled me into his chest and I cried into his shirt. The door slid open again, and Nathan strode in happily. His mouth fell open, and he rushed over to check on me.

“Ohmigod Rachel are you ok? Has someone hurt you? I swear I’m going to kill them!” He babbled on like this and put his arm around me, but I quickly shook it off. He looked confused, but I couldn’t talk to him. I didn’t want to talk to him. I still loved him, but at that point I didn’t even want to be anywhere near him. I couldn’t stand him.

“Rachel seriously, talk to me.” I looked up at him, tears still in my eyes, and some forming in his. I got up, walked calmly out of the van. I ran to the gate, and ran home, tears streaming down my face.

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