The Fallen Angel

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I fell

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I fell


The ground now visible below me

Came crashing up to greet me,

I looked up from where I had come

Hardly able to recognize the place anymore

The place that I called home

As it was hidden

Hidden behind the haze of the clouds

Hidden behind the sights of mortals


I fell

Crashing onto earth

The place where people roamed free

But what I saw

Were caged animals

Carefully conditioned to follow a path.

Their destination was unimportant

In the long run

Nothing mattered

But they were adamant beings

Mortals of higher intelligence

And what they perceived

Their superiority over all.


I fell

Onto a land

Marred by chaos.

Emotions flared around me

And words were thrown randomly,

Opinions blared

From trumpets unseen

Followed by arguments and tantrums

That helped nobody.

Victory is ours!

I heard one shout,

Their’s was the victory

Who could still shout.


I fell

In beauty

Unlike the one above

And I watched it be destroyed

By mortals who couldn’t love.

Their lands were barren

Their hearts were cold

They cared for nothing around

Except themselves and their gold.


I fell

Into an immaterial world

Which was driven by materials

I fell,

And how I wish I didn’t land…

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