Chapter Eleven - part two

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Here is the other half of chapter eleven.  warning it is not edited and i am sorry i didnt have time and i promised it uploaded today so here it is

copyright b y nstinsley

Enjoy <3

Chapter Eleven part two


It seem like hours have gone by since I was thrown into the mental room. I have paced back and forth, I have thrown myself into the wall/door, I have clawed at it and nothing worked; my mind was still going crazy, sadly that’s the only thing that was going crazy. Not my wolf, not my soul nothing else but the knowing of my family outside. I wanted to badly to be out there and free from Chandler.

A rustling with the door snapped me out of my thoughts and brought my attention to door. I readied myself hoping it was Ryder here to save me but that wasn’t who opened the door, it wasn’t the worse person in the world. Rylie opened the door just enough to look inside and sniff.

“What is it?” I asked curious but he didn’t answer. Just as quickly as he opened the door he shut it and just like that he was gone.

What the heck was that about? Why didn’t he get be out of here? Oh right Chandler didn’t tell him to. Rylie was my guard not my friend, despite our small chat. Now I knew hours went by I could tell it was a full moon out, my wolf clawed at my skin wanting to break free and go run, hell I want to break free and go run as well but we were stuck here. I was literally going insane, the white walls were about to make me feel at home. I need to get out of here and run under the moon, I need to be free of walls and off orders and just run. The door started to slowly open again, I hoped it was Rylie and in some miracle he was taking me to go running with him. It wasn’t though it was much worse and who I wished wouldn’t come to get me. The look in his eyes and the smile spread across his face just reassured me the reason he was here.

His payment for not hurting Ryder or Max.

He opened the door all the way and motioned for me to come here and once I did and was out of the room I couldn’t stop myself, the light of the moon shined into the room looking up at it my wolf got its way and busted out of me. It felt like my first change all over again, I heard my bones snapping and when I was fully changed I ran through the window breaking it and landing on all fours. I let out a loud howl and started to take off into the woods. I felt free and I felt good. It wasn’t long lived though, not a minute later I heard many paw prints hitting the ground hard, coming at me fast. I could hear the growls and pants of Chandlers pack.

“K stop.” A voice boomed into my mind.

“No.” I snapped and pushed myself faster.

I wasn’t fast enough. A sharp pain shot through my tail. I turned and fought off my attacker and ended him quickly but right when that one was killed another four were one me. They took no mercy to me as they sunk their teeth into my flesh and ripped them out. I managed to kill those four quickly and again more were attacking me. I was pinned on the ground with many sets of jaws locked onto me when the idea came to me.

“Stop.” I commanded in full alpha authority and just like that they unlocked their jaws and pulled out their teeth. I would not show how much they injured me, using my strength I stood up on all fours, “Bow.” I ordered with anger. My lip curled up as I watched them all bow down to me, all but one. I glared over at the small grey wolf, “I said bow.” I snapped at the female wolf.

She growled at me and I could see the fight she was having disobeying my order, “No.” she panted out, “You killed him.” her frail voice spoke, “I just found him and you killed him.” She screams then lunges at me. knowing that she was fighting with rage and not her mind it was easy to know her next move, I slight moved left, dodging her attack but at the last moment as she went by my I snacked out my head and clamped my jaws on her throat and ripped without a thought. Her body collapsed to the ground, she was dead, and her throat was still in my mouth when I heard clapping. My eyes darted over to the figure in the trees walking out towards me. I growled once I saw his face under the moons light and spit the throat out at him. He chuckled when it landed by his feet.

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