Chapter Twenty Two ~ part two

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Copyright by nstinsley

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Chapter Twenty Two ~ part two

I started to move to run and get to them but was stopped by a witch. Rage blurred my vision; this thing was stopping me from saving him. I didn’t hesitate or stop I ran at it aiming for its throat but it ducked its head down blocking the throat and I grabbed a hold of its ears and not caring that I didn’t have the throat I jerk my head roughly to the side tearing its ears of its head and just like that the witch hybrid fell to the ground with smoke coming from the holes on its head. Changing human as I ran I yell, “Rip the witches’ ears off.” I didn’t have to look behind me to know that they listen or heard me. My goal was to run and get to Bret before he can kill him. My nose and hearing was better wolf so after I told them how to kill the witches and warlocks I changed wolf and headed in the direction my nose and ears took me.

I had no idea how or why these idiots managed to leave the fight and go after Bret but surely they should have known it was a trap. Bret would never go out alone or anything without having someone or something able to fight for him if he needed it, hell Bret wouldn’t have do anything without having a backup plan.

I was close I could not only smell and hear it I could feel it. My blood pumping as one in my body pushing me to go faster, preparing myself for a fight and within a few minutes I ran right into a trap. Who’s the idiot now? I had no time to blink when two hybrids jumped on me dropping from the tree above. I didn’t take that lightly, bucking one of them off me I extended my claws and racked it across the others face leaving big gashes across its pale bald skin. It kind of howled in pain but whatever that noise was gave me the opening I needed luckily it was a vampire hybrid and since I was already on my back I punched through his chest and as I got up I yanked my paw out leaving a hole in its chest and its heart squished under my paw.

I tilted my head to the side a bit and glared at Bret, I changed into my human self not caring I was naked at all, since let’s face it both the guys here have seen me naked, “Call your freaks off.” I hiss threw my clinched teeth. I really didn’t want to show him how pissed off I was but his hot ugly face wasn’t helping.

Bret half smiled at me, “Or what?” he taunted.

“Do you like that throat of yours?” I snapped harshly.

“You only wish Katherina.” He replied flatly not worried about my threat.

I huffed at that, “You only wish you were the strongest alpha with the strongest pack but Bret if you haven’t noticed your little hybrid freaks are almost extinct.”

He seemed to think something was humorous about what I just said because he lightly chuckled and shook his head, “You have no idea about my mades,” he took a few steps forward closer to me, “and you have no idea what I have planned.” Just the way he looked as he said those words would have made my tail go between my legs if I was my wolf right now and that has never been done before.

“What do you mean?” I got out.

He didn’t answer but that smirk did not leave his face. I opened my ears up as much as I could hoping to hear anything but I didn’t, in my human self I couldn’t hear the fight going on or anything that far away. I moved my eyes to Ryder who was pinned down by several hybrids and the blood I smelt was his, they were drinking his blood. It was disgusting and my heart hurt for him having to go through that, he still is my mate even with the things going on with Tristan; I couldn’t let him go through that. I was so annoyed and distracted by Bret I didn’t even pay attention to anything else around me when I got here and now with Ryder being . . . drunken and Tristan . . . Tristan was nowhere in sight. I little sigh of relief left my lips.

The wince from Ryder made my protective side come out. I didn’t think or care about Bret and what he might do when I killed his stupid freaks, I charged the hybrids and leaped in the air going to pumble into all of them and as I was midair I changed wolf and tackled as many as I could, I got enough for Ryder to get up and fight them. He was weak and was barely holding his own against the two before all my attention was pulled to the five that were coming at me.

I started to back up and hope they would come at me one at a time but they didn’t, all five crouched and jumped at me. But before they got to touch me Tristan was in the air knocking them down and fighting them before his feet even touched the ground. I knew anyone with eyes could see the smile on my face when Tristan ripped the Hybrids apart in a blink of an eye. I was surprised though when he didn’t come to me and take me away from here and to safety. Instead he looked over at me to make sure I was alright, something Max always has done and when he saw I was fine he turned his head and over sized wolf towards Bret and he crouched snarling at him. Even crouched he was still taller than Bret and the look in Bret’s eyes was priceless. As he crept towards my ex maker I saw his lips twitch and that only happened when Tristan was furious and out for blood. I knew Tristan could do this on his own but I just couldn’t let my made fight Bret alone, I didn’t feel right about it. I followed Tristan’s movements and stopped dead in my tracks when his head snapped behind him to growl at me.

And that’s when Bret jumped and attacked my made. Bret was much older than Tristan and his jaws were a lot stronger.  Bret already had a chunk of Tristan’s fur in his mouth by the time I was on Bret back biting his head trying to pull him back but with ease Bret violently jerked his body and somehow got me off him. I landed on the ground and Bret was towering over at me, his teeth dripping with Tristan’s blood and his muzzle inching closer to mark me his made again. Squirming underneath Bret was no good nothing worked but when a deadly growl erupted from above us Bret froze for a split second and turn attacking Tristan, who was ready for him this time and tackled Bret to the ground.

“K.” Ryder said behind the tree that was behind me, I turned my head, “We have to go the hybrids that survived are coming.” I frantically looked back at Tristan then back at Ryder. He glared at me but didn’t say another word. Ryder change and raced towards Tristan and Bret tackling Bret off of Tristan and to the ground. The three of them danced around snapping and clawing at one another, but when the growls from the few hybrids that survived boomed though the trees Tristan and Ryder froze and turn to look as well as me.

With no warning Ryder came and pushed my body up and pushed me towards the trees, I didn’t move until I saw Tristan close behind. Three small steps forward I saw movement from the side but I was too late, Bret’s devil face appeared and right as I thought he was going to rip my throat out Tristan large frame blocked him from me and Bret tore out a huge chunk in Tristan’s side.

A loud piercing howl erupted into the air and the loud thump followed. Tristan’s body landed right by me, his blood was gushing out of the enormous hole in his stomach.  My heart broke into piece falling into the pit of my stomach. My body changed human automatically and I sunk to my knees.

I couldn’t believe what I was looking at; he was my made he can’t be . . . “Tristan?”

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