Chapter Nineteen

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*Copyright by nstinsley*

sorry for the long wait i hope you

Enjoy <3

Chapter Nineteen

Maybe Kelly, Katherina, Jolene and every other female wolf that has a mate liked being on lock down with their mates glued to their side but I don’t. Ever since that threat from my stupid ex maker all the males have gone in psycho protective mode and haven’t left their mates side. Even during training the guys were literally right next to the girls. The funny thing that happened often was when a girl even says ‘owe’ or huffs wrong all the males drop what they are doing and look over to make sure we are all ok. I’m telling you it’s seriously over the top. It has been a very, very long week since Bret showed up and the trainings were twice a day for a hour now and finally training session number two was over.

“See you lady’s tomorrow.” I called out and shook my head when the guys rushed over to their mates. Being all protective over the one they love is sweet but come on.

“Are you ok?” Ryder asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Yes perfectly fine.” I answered trying not to sound cranky towards him. It was silent for a moment and I decided to try my luck, “I’m going to get some fresh air by the waterfall, ok.”

Ryder stopped abruptly making me trip over my own foot but his hands on my waist held me up from falling, “You know no one is allowed to leave the territory even you.”

I turned towards him, “Yes I know that and I understand why but it is like I’m suffocating here I need to run free for a while.”

“I can’t let you do that love, I am sorry but your life is more important right now.” his hand tightened on my waist and he started walking towards the house. I didn’t argue because I already had a different plan forming in my head. Once we got in the house I rolled my eyes seeing Paul, Chad and Max sitting in the kitchen at the table while the girls cooked. Ryder led us in the kitchen and took a spot next to Max. Once he started talking to them I turned my back and headed out of the kitchen, “Where are you going?” Ryder asked.

“Shower.” I muttered without stopping and turning my head back to look at him.

Dinner was ready by the time I made my way back down the stairs I listened as I nibbled on my food. Laughing when I should have laughed and giving Ryder sweet smiles when he looked over at me and when he laid a hand on my leg I placed mine on top of his hand. I had to play it safe so he didn’t suspect anything. Not soon enough dinner was over and a while after that everyone left to their house or to their rooms.

“Are you nervous?” Ryder asked me as we laid down on the bed his arm drape over my hip and his head snuggled into my hair.

“For?” I whispered in a yawn.

“What Bret is planning to do?”

“No I’m not, the pack is trained well and we are ready. Bret can have anything planned it won’t take us by surprise, now let’s get some sleep it has been a long day and I am worn out from all the training.”

“Maybe tomorrow we can just have one and then me and u can come up here and have some alone time.”

In another yawn I said, “Sounds perfect.” Closing my eyes I let myself relax, an hour later Ryder has shifted to his other side snoring softly. As gently as I could I grabbed the pillow under my head and placed it next to Ryder under the covers, then one leg at a time I slipped out of the bed and in pajamas and all I snuck out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out of the house. Before running off I stopped and took a deep breath in, sighing happily. Quietly I walked off the porch and quickly tip toed my way over to the tree lines, when the shadow of the trees covered me I stripped and changed into my wolf grabbing my clothes and taking off to the water fall. It was quiet and peaceful in the woods, too cold for birds to be chirping and too late for the deer’s and mouse to be out. Hearing the waterfall hit the water I picked up my speed and within five minutes I was dropping my clothes on the ground and changing as I ran into the water.

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