Chapter Twenty Two ~ part one

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I wrote this and couldnt wait to get it up , i would hav waited until the whole chapter was done but something came up and i dont have time to finish it right now hopefully in the next 24 hours i will have it done :)

Copyright by nstinsley

Enjoy <3

Chapter Twenty Two  ~ part one

In the next moment the men were in wolf form surrounding their women and children, Max was over to Katherina and his kids whispering something to her. I ran over to the group of mothers and children, and whispered to them, “Go hide in the basement, run now.” and without hesitation the mothers picked up the little ones and ran with the older ones right behind them. I turned and made my way to the front where Ryder, Max, Chad, and Paul were. I stood behind them because they wouldn’t let me stand in front and within the ten seconds I was standing up there Tristan was in his wolf form standing next to me towering over the guys in front of him. We all waited anxiously for Bret to come out or his hybrids to start fighting. We didn’t see any as of yet but their snarls and growls filled the nights air making it known they were there and they were ready. Threatening growls came from behind us and all of packs male members were teeth baring, crouching ready for the fight. 

Long moments later Bret appears from the tree’s directly in front of us, the dangerous glint in his eyes matched his evil grin perfectly, “Ah, Katherina.” He hissed slowly and dangerously.

“Ah, shit head.” I retorted in the same tone making some of the pack snicker along with Max, Chad and Paul. Tristan was to tense to do anything his ears were pricked and he was ready to protect me from each and every one of them. A few growls came from behind Bret but it wasn’t the hybrids that appeared it was Syke and Dee. “You two still with this poor leader?” I asked causing them both to show their teeth and Tristan move his body half in front of me and half beside me baring his teeth at them for growling at me. I place my hand he was hiding on his side in a loving way hoping he wouldn’t take off and go after them.

“Always the one with the mouth,” Bret says then looks at my guys surrounding me, “and always the one with men willing to die for you.” Every single wolf growled at Bret.

“What do you want?” I snapped annoyed with his presence already.

“You, of course and your brothers.” He answered like it was the simplest answer in the world.

“We left you for a reason Bret and we are not about to go back.” I growled at him.

“Then be prepared to die.” And with that the snarls became louder from the trees and we saw figures approaching, Bret had a smirk on his face which itched my nerve. I changed wolf shredding my clothes and snarled baring my devil look showing no fear only rage, everyone echoed my growl and that’s when the hybrids showed themselves from the trees slowly out of the shadows creeping up towards us but stopping once they reached Bret.

They were frightening creatures. The vampire wolves were bare and pale their eyes blood red and their teeth all long and sharp with the devil look Bret gave to them, the trolls were wide stocky patchy looking wolves missing patches of their hair over their body, their noses were huge and their mitched matched color eyes stuck out making them look deformed and with their devil look they actually scared me, the witches and warlocks were something similar to the others, just as freaky looking but they were all pitch black, had pointed ears that curved in making it look like they had a black pointed hat on, their eyes were all a smoky green and their devil looked more like a cat then the devil itself but all the same these were scary looking hybrids and by the way they were acting they knew what to do and they were ready.

Keeping his eyes locked on me, Bret watched my reactions to his new hybrid mades. True, my eyes were wide with shock and disgust but I was not scared like I knew Bret wanted me to be and that twitch in his eye proved me right. A snarl at him though was what set him off and with one brisk hand movement they hybrids attacked.

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