Chapter Twelve - part one

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Hey everyone sorry for the very long wait!! here is chapter 12 part one part two i am working on tonight and will be up tonight i promise!  it isnt edited.

copyright by nstinsley


Chapter Twelve part one

Tristan’s POV

“Let’s go.” I snapped at Ryder. He was talking to his pack about the plan and he was taking too long. I received a low growl and that was enough for me. I turned my back on him and his pack and ran into the woods going to save K on my own. It wasn’t long when I heard a set of paws hitting the ground behind me and soon Max was by my side, he looked at me and gave a slight nod and we took off.  

Shortly after we heard Ryder and his pack behind us, catching up. The pounding of our paws hitting the ground sounded like a thunder storming coming at you; loud, strong and fearless. It wasn’t until we were near Chandlers land when Ryder’s fighters slowed their run to a stop and waited in a crouch in the shadows of the trees. Ryder, Max and I were a mile from the territory line when Max and I split from Ryder and went around waiting for Ryder to distract his father. I hadn’t stayed to find out what exactly he was going to do or say to distract Chandler.

Max and I were crouched down in human form behind a cluster of bushes and a few trees. We heard Ryder call out to his father and waited patiently as the man exited his house and made his way to his son. When the door opened I caught a scent of something that just wasn’t right, the air was damp and musty. I closed my eyes and blocked out what Ryder was telling his father and took a deep breath in. in that moment my eyes snapped opened and I bolted for the house, I didn’t care who saw me or if I were to get caught. Blood was in the air, my maker’s blood.

Max wasn’t even a step behind me as I tore open the door flinging it off the hinges. He never asked me what was up or what was happening, he knew I would only trample my way into danger if it meant K was in danger and by how strong the smell of her blood was getting, she was already in danger. I ran up the stairs, following the strong over powering smell and hurdle myself through the attic door. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a beaten and battered K lying on her bed. Max however went straight for the guy looking out the window; the same one that was here last time I was here.

 “No.” I called out to Max never taking my eyes off K. I assumed Max listened because I didn’t hear the window shatter and a loud thud on the ground.

K’s eyes, those beautiful deep brown ones, were staring at me, “Tristan?” she whispered.

I broke out of my frozen state and ran the short distance to her bed, “I’m here.” I tell her in a soft whisper. “I’m here.” I take her cold pale hand in mine and hold it tight. There weren’t any tingles or fire but there was something when we touched.

“Sis?” Max says taking his steps away from the boy by the window and closer to her.

She turns her head, and I hold in a growl when I see his marks on her. They weren’t gently easy clamming marks; the scars were jagged and deep. She went through pain getting those and that tore me up inside, if I wasn’t holding her hand I would of jumped through the window myself and killed that old man. Her smile brightened when Max, her brother, smiled at her.

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