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  (POV: You)

  Dinner with Jimmy was interesting. He told you he had never eaten anything himself (Johnny always eats for their body - that sounds weird now that you said it). He kept comparing the taste of it to blood. He said it wasn't as good as blood, but it was good, too. It was sickening, but spoiler alert - he's a crazy killer, what else do you expect? It was already too much to expect him to like you (you liked to think you had some sort of special charm that his murder victims didn't have - like golf clubs made of heavy metal and a strong arm).

  "_____, make sure to wear something casual," Johnny reminded you for the five hundredth time, "ghost hunting involves a lot of moving around, and if you wear your best dress you're going to hurt yourself and ruin your dress. Just put on a sweatshirt, it can get pretty cold, ghost give off chilled air most of the time."

  "I don't think I have a sweatshirt that fits." it had been so long since you had worn one, last time you remember was last year's Halloween, and even then that one was too small.

  "Well I don't want you to freeze..." Johnny thought aloud, "Here, borrow this one, I've got a spare." He took off his P.I.E sweatshirt and tossed it to you. It was slightly too big, but you were glad to have it, you'd eventually give it back. It smelled like Johnny for the most part, but there was a hint of the salty scent of dried blood on it. You had the feeling Jimmy had used this sweatshirt a few times of his own. You threw it over your own shirt and tucked it in to make it fit better.

  "Grab your phone so we can take a selfie! Well, actually you need your phone just in case there's an emergency, which is uncommon. But we need to take a selfie or two as well." he joked around.

  "Way ahead of ya, John." you yelled at him from across the house.

  "All ready then?" Johnny asked while he leaned against the wall.

  "Where's that spare sweatshirt you were going to wear, Ghost boy?" you mocked him smugly.

  "Oh heck!" he exclaimed as he tried to run back to his room. Unfortunately, he was wearing socks on a hardwood floor and he tripped faced first onto the ground. You laughed at him for a wile, then you asked if he was ok. When he said he was, you laughed some more.

  You went to get his sweatshirt for him and threw it at him. "Pfft, come on mother."  He teased. He called you that  because you constantly seemed to mother him, but he still loved you. Those were your nicknames for each other: Ghost boy and mother.

   Johnny Toast arrived a few minuets later and you two climbed in his pink car. Toast looked a little disappointed when Johnny Ghost climbed into the back to sit with you, but he understood. You guys had already told him about your new found relationship.

Love and Knives (Johnny Ghost/Jimmy Casket X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now