Working At McDonald's

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(POV: Johnny)

  It was just as slow as always in my McDonald's that day. I had only 1 costumer so far, and I'm 100% sure he was high on macaroni. I was honestly tempted to buy some off him just so I'd be less boring in here.

  I had already counted all th chicken nuggets twice, practiced introduction to clients 5 times, an drunk 10 sodas. I hated being on the bad side of town because on the bad side of town everyone only ate pizza.

  I looked at my phone and saw that Johnny had texted me. It was a meme about us he claimed to have made. It was a pie chart (ha ha, Johnny) that was completely colored in with red. Its title read "P.I.E" and the two titles in the key were red and blue. The blue title said "Has normal clients with completely normal ghost and everything goes perfect", and of course there was none of this on the chart. The red one read "Has crazy clients with insane ghost from other dimensions and nothing goes normal or to plan with the occasional Jimmy Casket outburst", and the was the entire graph.

  "Do you like it, sir?" Johnny texted me.

  "Yeah" I texted back. I honestly didn't like it, but I wasn't going to hurt Johnny's feelings.

  "Toast couldn't make a meme to save his life."  Jimmy laughed. I mean, he wasn't wrong.

  "You're right." I responded to Jimmy.

  "HEY! does anyone work here?!" I heard a yell from the drive through window. I walked over to the window. At least something was happening finally.

  "Welcome to McDonald's may I - _____! What are you doing here... uh, I - I'm not who you think I am - uh, I'm his identical cousin, uh, Johnny Coast!" my face immediately turned red. How could I have been so stupid as to say that, she obviously knew it was me, and now she was laughing at me.

  "Why are you so ashamed, Ghost Boy?" she laughed some more.

  "Oh shut up, ghost hunting doesn't always pay the bills." I said as I hid my face.

  "Come on, first of all, you don't have bills, you live with me. Second of all, most people work at McDonald's at some point in their life. What do you think I'd do once I found out, dump you? You're still my Ghost Boy." she punched my arm through the window. I honestly did think she'd break up with me if she found out, but now that I actually thought about it, I realized how dumb that sounded. And she was right, most people did work at McDonald's at some point in their life.

  "What do you want." I said in a rather salty tone.

  "I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda." she laughed at her meme joke. I really don't like memes.

  "Seriously, please. I already get no business. On the bad side of town everyone only eats pizza." I was almost to the point of shooing her off the property, but luckily for her, she was my girlfriend and I wouldn't do that.

  "Two boxes of 10 piece chicken nuggets." she responded. I got her the nuggets and she drove back to her house. She may be crazy at times, but dang, I love that girl.


Love and Knives (Johnny Ghost/Jimmy Casket X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now