Hello Old Friend

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hello this is captain Rogers "the man who was near the speaking booth was pushed out the way by me "Steve is that you are you ok"I asked"I'm fine"he replied "what about the plane"Peggy asked Chester standing behind her"that's a little harder to explain"he said I got my hands ready on the computers"give me you location I can find you a safe landing sight"I said my heart beat erratic "there's not gonna be a safe landing but I can try and force it down"he said almost sadly I did not notice the look Chester shared with Peggy and the soldiers "no I'll get howie on the line he'll know what to do"I assured Steve giving that as a sign for Chester to call howie."there's not enough time it's moving to fast and it's heading for New York"I heard him say tears began to build in my eyes "Steve"sniffed "I gotta put her in the water"he sighs over the intercom "please don't do this we have time we'll work it out"I was full on crying now I was not gonna lose my best friend I had just lost my fiancé I could not lose my best friends within weeks of losing Bucky it would destroy me "right now I'm in the middle of no where if I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die"he tells me I see Peggy tears in her eyes"gracie I'm sorry I'm sorry for everything bucky dr Erskine, you warned me from the beginning I didn't listen I'm sorry"he went on "no no Steve please dont you dare say goodbye to me cause your gonna be fine"I cried "I love you like a sister always remember that, you were the I t girl who ever stood by me even before the serum, your my family"he sighed"I love you too your all I have your my only family Steve"I let the tears stream "Peggy"steve says over the line as the brunette walked over to my side"this is my choice don't blame yourself I mean that Gracie I know you feel this is on yo but it's not you did your best both of you did your my favourite gals both brave, smart and could always give me a run for my money"you know me to well"I laugh through my tears Peggy just sad smiled tears in her eyes"Peggy"he said"I'm here"she sniffed I was still in tears "I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance"he said"alright a week next Saturday at the stork club"she cried"you got it"we all knew he was not gonna be there"8 o clock on the dot don't you dare be late understood"she sad smiles with tears on her cheeks. "You know I still don't know how to dance"if this was not the moment I knew I would lose my best friend I would have laughed."I'll show you how"Peggy laughed a little I was sobbing"just be there "she finished"we'll have the band play something slow"Steve said"I'd hate to"he was cut of when the intercom went dead on his side"Steve are you there Steve"I cried into he speaker Peggy was now crying."Steve"I said hoping to here his voice one last time but nothing I would never hear his voice again.

"STEVE"I scream shooting up in my bed tears streaming down my face as I panted at the dream that show cased the memory I hated to think about but that's how my life was now if it wasn't my best friend haunting my dreams it was bucky. I lay back down in my bed sighing it was 1946 and I was in London after the war I spent some time mopping but Howie who I had moved in with in California said mopping in a mansion wasn't a fit life for a lady of my talent and mind so on his advice I decided to get away for a little back in London people were still reeling from the war and so I helped re build houses and feed the homeless it helped ease my guilt but not by much see I never took steves advice I blamed myself.

I stand opening the curtains in my London apartment seeing it already the middle of the morning. I go and make a coffee before opening my door to get the morning news paper headlining CAPTAIN AMERICA ALLY GOES TRAITOR I sigh I had been in little contact with Howie since I left Los Angeles 4 months ago but I was keeping tabs he was being accused of selling weapons to the enemy but I know Howie he is a great many things a traitor not being one of them. Just then my door bell is rung I sigh going to the door looking through the peep hole seeing nothing I slowly open the door leaving the chain on looking through the gap "hello dear"howies smiling face stares back at me "Howie"I sigh closing the door removing he chain before opening it again "hello Gracie"Howie smiles hugging me I hug back "come in please"I open the door wider "what are you doing here"I say closing the door as he comes in "nice place you got here"he says looking around I smile "you would know you paid for it"I laugh "that I did how is the whole helping rebuild thing going"he asks taking a seat as I go stand in the kitchen "coffee"I ask he nods "it's going good quite frankly this new found strength works some wonders I get why steve loved this so much"I say looking down at my arms that had muscles not over the top just right to fit me. "America misses you since the cap took the swan dive"he stops frowning as I wince "I'm sorry since cap well passed you became Americas sweetheart your the only tie a lot of people have left to steve or a super soldier"Howie says "I'm a super soldier who doesn't do anything a soldier would do"I scoff "how's Jarvis"I ask missing the English butler he was a charming man "he's doing well in fact he's working with Peggy"Howard says as I hand him his coffee "Peggy how is she we haven't spoke in well quite a while"I sigh looking down "she's good not easy being a women this day and age especially one who can't openly admit she worked with the captain America,you would know all about that Inequality stuff"Howie smirks at me "and you would know about hard times your being called a traitor"I frown "you don't believe I am right"he asks frowning "of course not"I shake my head "so what brings you to rainy London"I ask "can't a guy drop by and visit his best friend, how about we go on a date"Howie smirks I roll my eyes he's been asking for the best part of the last year and each time I've said no "Howie you know what my answer will be"I sigh he sighs nodding before peeking up a bit "I'm here to find a few inventions that went missing I was robbed a month back that's why people think I've sold to the enemy"Howard explains I sigh sitting across from him "oh Howie you really do get yourself in some bad places"I frown at my old friend "I need your help Gracie"he asks "Howie I dunno what you want me to do"I sigh "honestly I'm not a leader I'm a follower and I'm okay with that"I sigh "you know that's not true Gracie I've seen you lay a 6 foot man on his ass you are a fighter and damn good one you could lead armies into battle I respect you choice in not doing that but do down size yourself, look at you after everything you've been through your still standing"Howard grabs my hand and squeezes it "you really think I can help"I sigh "I know you can"Howie says "Chester won't be happy if I say yes to you I always say no to his mission requests"I sigh Howie smirks "I'm sure he'll understand"Howie smiles "okay when and where do you want me"I smile putting my coffee down.

Agent Carter: The Chronicles Of Gracie Hart spin off: through the years Where stories live. Discover now