Like Old Times

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We all sit round a fire laughing and joking we had met with the rest of the commandos me greeting them with hugs"don't eat to many beans doll face you know what happened last time"junior laughs "oh my god that wasn't me I told you it was jim okay steve would have my back"I laugh "steve always had your back"sam laughed I smile as we all laugh it felt nice like old times "I didn't fart ladies do not fart in public especially not around guys"I frown "peg back me up here"she held her hands up "I wasn't here though Dugan did tell me it lit the fire higher"she laughs "oh my god are we actually talking about my farts right now you guys are still so gross"I laugh.

"Area is clear me and Ramirez have night watch"Thompson says coming back to camp "we'll be good to go at first light"he says "did you see any abominable snowmen like junior did in Tibet"I laugh "I didn't say I saw a abominable snow man"he argues playfully "in his defence he did say yeti"pinky says we all laugh "it was hard to see"junior says "yeah between all the sobbing"Dugan jokes we all laugh "it was scary"junior says "Gracie I remember why I don't miss you your mean"junior jokes as we all laugh "only to you kid"I laugh. "So what is the difference between a yeti and a abominable snow man"Thompson asks joining the joke "ones real and ones not"junior explains making us all laugh harder Peggy asks Thompson about his work in Japan and his navy cross he explains why he got the cross in 1945 it's depressing we all frown I kinda feel for him despite what he's said to me before all of us had to do things during the war things that changed us as people I for sure wasn't the same Gracie that left for my first official job back in 43.

We get to the edge of the Russian base Thompson looks out "looks like we beat the bad guys here"Thompson walks back over to us "so we could have slept for another hour"Dugan whines roll my eyes at my old friend. We discuss a plan to move in I scoff at Thompsons dumb plan "he's in lead"Peggy says to me "you got a better idea"he asks Peggy who says her plan "okay your call"he agrees "move out"we leave moving in. Me with Peggy Dugan junior and Jim moved down the halls entering a room "does anyone else have a cold shiver up there knickers"Peggy asks "I would if I wore knickers"junior sighs jim knocks a button turning a projector on a cartoon ringing out "turn that off"Dugan yelled "no wait"Peggy says she turns the projector wheel "in still fear"she says "that's not creepy"I frown just then we hear a little kid cry "is that a kid why is there kids here"Jim says as we walk out the room leaning into another "little kid beds"Jim frowns "it's a boarding school"Peggy says "why does it have shackles"I frown we get closer to the source of crying and see a small girl. Me Dugan and Peggy step closer slowly "hey there you okay"Dugan asks putting his gun away "it's okay we're here to help"he says leaning down the girl looks up "it's okay we're not here to hurt you"Dugan says close to the girl she lifts her hand pointing at his hat "oh my hat you like my hat"he says she nods "it's called a bowler hat the reason they call it that is because why do they call it a bowler.."he's cut of when the little girl stabs him in the chest "Dugan"I yell she gabs his gun shooting junior. Peggy gets the gun off her she runs off through a hole I run to junior as Dugan stands charging to the hole "Dugan she's just a little girl"Peggy says "she's more than that"Dugan growls I pull junior over and check his pulse "no jj"I shake him you hear Dugan and Peggy talking as I lift junior onto my lap "jj"I say putting my head close to his face he's not breathing my eyes water "guys Peggy"I call they look at me as the other half of the team come in Peggy explains what happened "we need to move quickly"Peggy says I let tears fall Dugan comes beside me "come on doll face"he grabs my arm helping me up. He leans back down taking jj' dog tags sighing. I wipe my face "we are gonna need a exit out the back"Dugan says "we can't leave until we find who's setting Howard up"I saycalming myself "thought you said he's annoying"Dugan says "he is but he's one of us"I say "Dugan pinky and Ramirez find a back way out of here rest come with me"I command as I lead the way chest hurting at losing a good friend.

We walk down halls me leading ahead I turn the corner seeing a man down the hall I run at him and drop kicking him standing before shooting him twice in the chest "come on"I say leading forward we get to a cell "you are not lavithen who are you"2 men say standing inside the cell as we all look in "we're the good guys"Peggy says.

"Why is lavithen holding you prisoner"i ask "requiring something in the black market a weapon they don't know how to build they want us to build it for them"he replies "so your engineers"Peggy says "he is the engineer"the man says looking back at the guy hidden behind the shelf "I serve as nikoli' therapist"he looks back at us "so they locked up a head doctor and mad scientist"Thompson says "what a bomb"Thompson mocks "hey he is not mad he is burdened look he sees things in dementions that you can only imagine"the therapist says walking to Nikolai "you look at a piece of grass you see pretty picture he sees chemistry"the doc says before ranting on "what's the weapon they want you to build"I ask "oh it's beautiful"Nikolai says he explains what it is bringing a design forward "mr stark has found a way of altering the way of the Waves"he says "stark"Thompson says "yes of course it's his design"Nikolai says I frown "is mr stark here"I ask "of course not if he was here they wouldn't need me I would be at home with my wife"he yells "you thought you would find Howard stark here that's why you came we've never seen him here just our captors"the doc says "in coming"sam yells "please"the guy yells "back away"i say he does I kick the lock off the door in one hit opening it letting them out as we run off shots being fired. "Dugan we are in the boiler room we need a exit"I say over coms hiding behind a pipe shooting back. Suddenly Nikolai steps forward grabbing sam and a gun speaking Russian "this isn't the way"Peggy tries talk him down "doc talk him down we will die before we are captured"I yell he tries talks him down but he don't listen I aim my gun at him "then listen to me we are your only way out if you don't let our friend go I'll kill you and you'll never get out"I tell "I'll count to 3.. 1"before I can say more he is shot I frown looking down at Thompson the men keep shooting at us as we shoot back I run over to where sam is hiding leaving Peggy with Thompson and a dead agent shooting back at the Russians. "Dugan come on"I yell over coms he blows a hole in wall "I leave 5 minutes and you make a mess"Dugan says to me. "Everyone out"I yell as the others run out "everyone Thompson"Peggy yells he sits still she jumps to him trying to snap him out of his panic me and Dugan still shooting "go"Peggy yells at me and Dugan "no what would cap say if I left his best girl behind"I say to her "he would say do what she says"she argues with me "Peggy I can't leave you"I say as Dugan leaves she stands shooting we get Thompson up dragging him out Peggy shooting back as I drag Thompson out the hole we run across the snow to the truck I throw him on "Peggy come on"I yell jumping on as more shoots fire at us she runs at us catching mine and Dugan hands as we pull her on driving away.

We go to the plane I stand in front of Dugan "so will we see you again"he asks I sigh "maybe one day"I smile "cap and bucky would be proud of you"he states I nod "I'd like to hope"I say he pulls me into a big hug I hug him right back "do your self a favour doll face find a fellow Barnes would want you to be happy"he whispers in my ear I pull away "don't be a stranger Dugan"I salute him he salutes back. I walk away "I love you guys"I yell.

On the plane I sleep against the wall.

I walk into my house Jarvis coming out of the living room "your okay"he says I smile "did you worry"I ask "he did and so did I"Howard says stepping out behind him "Howard"I nod "so about that talk"he says I sigh "okay 5 minutes"I say walking past him.

Howard sat opposite me in the living room it was just the two of us and it was silent "okay I don't know where to start other than saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry you feel the only reason I've been helping you was because I felt bad but I can assure you that's not the case"Howard started off "Gracie your like my best friend, your smart so I don't have to dumb down the way I speak to help you understand and I can openly talk to you about anything because you don't judge, your loyal and brave and I respect the hell out of that, I understand your reasons for taking the serum yourself and I also know your still standing after everything you've been through... I regret not coming to you about the vile but I won't say sorry for trying to protect you and Peggy from hurt, you were broken after the war it's like the person you were when we first met was gone and in her place was now a sad broken shell of a woman I thought by showing you the vile it would undo all the progress you've made in finding yourself after Steve and Barnes died"Howard admitted "I know you may not get that and I know it wasn't my choice to make but I don't regret it I just hope you can understand it"Howard finished. I sat silent and straight faced for a moment before sighing "I do understand it and maybe your right I'm not that girl I was when we met and your not that same guy I met and maybe showing me the vile when you first got it would have destroyed my progress but why didn't you come to me sooner rather than having me find out myself howie"I shake my head gently "I should have and I'm sorry you found out this way but I swear it I was going to tell you"he confessed "I believe you howie it hurts what you did but truth is if I don't forgive you then who else will I have you and peg are all I have in the world right now and I can't lose you"I admitted "so you forgive me?"Howard said hopefully "yeah"I muttered before Howard grabbed me into a hug "thank you Gracie"he whispered as I gently hugged my old friend back.

Agent Carter: The Chronicles Of Gracie Hart spin off: through the years Where stories live. Discover now