I Miss Them Too

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I sat back in my room Jarvis knocks on the door I know he wants to talk about last night but I'm still mad "what do you want"I say opening the door "ms hart I wanted to say I'm sorry I really am I felt bad for keeping it from you"Jarvis says I sigh "I forgive you Jarvis you were just being your loyal self but I need time I'm sorry"I say closing the door on him.

It's been a week or so since the whole mess went down with Howard and I have every intention on returning to England. "Ms hart I do advise against this"Jarvis said as I strut around the house packing up my stuff "Jarvis I have nothing here for me anymore"I say "ms hart this is your home Brooklyn is your home"he says I stop half way through picking up my washing basket "Jarvis"I sigh turning to him "my home isn't Brooklyn because I was born there it's my home because of the people I loved were there I have no one there anymore"I shake my head. He sighs "I have a flight tomorrow morning please don't try stop me"I beg walking away.

I walk along the streets of New York City towards the SSR agency walking inside I see Thompson and roll my eyes "and how can I help you"he asks "I'm here for Peggy"I say "she's busy"he says "and I don't care"I nod walking past him seeing Peggy at her desk "Gracie"she looks up at me "I wanted to say goodbye"I sigh "your leaving"she frowns "I have nothing here for me anymore Peg I thought coming back here and trying to help Fix things here that somehow it would give me closure but it hasn't and it won't because this place holds to many memories for me and hearing what we heard I just I can't I'm sorry"I frown "that's a shame I was going to ask if you would do honours to join some old faces"she sighs "old faces"I frown "the howling commandos there our foreign tact team"she states "yeah um it is a shame"I nod frowning "goodbye Peggy"I go to walk away "if you change your mind we meet at dawn 0700 hours at the flight deck in Brooklyn you know which one"Peggy says Making me stop my walk before I keep walking.

"Jarvis change of plans"I walk into the house "javis"I call walking into the living room and stop seeing Howard on the sofa "Howard"I frown "Gracie"he nods wincing because of his now purple eye "what do you want"I ask "jarvis told me you were heading for London again but you said plans changed"he raises a brow "yeah those plans don't involve you"I shake my head going down the hall to my room "Gracie come on"he says following "we have been friends for years I made a mistake"he says I scoff "that's a understatement"I roll my eyes "stop"he says grabbing my wrist as I go to enter my room "Howard I respected you I thought you were a player but I've seen you work your amazing but I didn't take you for a liar"I say "you lied about something you knew I would hate to find and right now I don't wanna talk to you if you really wanna make this right let me have my space"I say "easy to say when your not a fugitive"he says following me into my room as I rummage through my case before finding it at the very bottom in a box. I pull it out placing it on my bed "what's that"Howard's asks stepping closer "none of your business"I say as I open the box revealing my uniform it's worn in but damn has it been a long time since I looked at it. "Your uniform"Howard gasps I close the box picking it up "yes my uniform"I nod "where are you going with it"he asks "if you must know Peggy's asked me to help with something"I explain "and you agreed, chesters been bugging you for months and you always say no"Howard says "I need to prove something to myself Howard and if I make it back we will talk"I say walking past him as he follows me "if you make it back Gracie"he whines "Howard stop being so annoying"I snap "I'm a grown ass women"I frown "okay be safe please"he says "okay"I say walking out the door.

We sit on the plane all the men staring at me as I sit by Peggy "you know I don't bite"I say to the men "this your idea Carter"one man says "she's capable of taking out half a squad I think she's a great advantage"Peggy defends "besides once you guys pull your tails from between your legs you might be glad I came"I say. I hear Thompson and Peggy talking but ignore them closing my eyes remembering the last time I was in a army plane it was after bucky fell heading back to New York I sigh "prepare for drop" a voice says "thanks Carter but I already have a mother what I need now is soldiers"Thompson says "good thing I invited a super soldier then"Peggy smirks I smile putting my parachute on. "it's go time the drop will put us 10 km from our tact team assuming there were there supposed to be"Thompson says "my boys will be"I nod before putting my googles on and jumping.

We land on the ground the others landing after me. We hide our parachutes under branches "I'll take lead Carter, hart you take back"Thompson says I glare "he does realise I could snap his neck if I threw him up against a tree right"I frown "I think he's just stupid"Peggy laughs I smile lightly following the team. We get to a clearing hearing movement we all raise our guns "don't move"I hear a familiar voice "emo"it says I frown looking at Peggy "what"Thompson asks "ostrich man ostrich"a British voice says I smile knowing who it is "emo"Dugan says again "Carter Dugan forgot the password again"I hear James say I step in front of the team towards Dugan. "The passwords eagle you idiot"I laugh Dugan looks shocked at me "hello old boy"I smile he hugs me tightly I hug him back "you've grown the serum did your beauty well"he flirts I scoff "dugan you didn't have a chance back then you defiantly don't have a chance now"I laugh he sighs I turn to James who looks shocked "nice to see you to James"I smile hugging him "I thought you didn't wanna do things like this anymore"he says pulling away "yeah well one last mission won't hurt"I shrug "that and she thinks this clear her mind"Peggy mocks I frown "yeah"I sigh. "Junior"I smile hugging him "Gracie"he smiles "pinky are you still bitter"I mock frown at his face "I've never been bitter Gracie"he says in his British accent. I smile hugging him "nice to see you dear"he says "Sam"I hug him pulling away "I've missed you guys"I smile "you never visited"Dugan smiles. I introduce the boys to the others "these are the howling commandos well most of them"I turn to Dugan "wheres gabe Jim and frenchie"I ask "around"sam says "I love the name"one of the agents says about the howling commandos "I hate the name"sam groans "I came up with that name"junior smiles "Dugan you fought alongside captain America"a agent says amazed "I did but not as long as she did"Dugan says looking at me I smile lightly. "Agent jack Thompson running point for the SSR we had east until we hit the boarder"he explains shaking Dugans hand "we'll hit a board of reds before we reach the boarder, lets head up into Lithuania and cross the boarder into Russia"Dugan suggests "you want us to walk half way across Lithuania"Thompson says skeptically "you can"Dugan laughs "Gracie with me"Dugan says I follow after my old friend slowing down in front of Thompson "why the long face Thompson? This is my territory now let's see if I am the useless cop out you think I am"I smirk at the agent following after my old friend.

In the car we sit and relax Dugan pulls out bourbon "you got Peggy to bring you that"I laugh "yeah Germany knows it's beer but America knows it's bourbon"he smiles pouring us both a drink I pick the cup up "you know I can't get drunk right"I smile "who cares"he shrugs I laugh "so what have you been up to since... everything"he chooses his words carefully "I travelled a little took me a while to even wanna leave my house but when I did I headed to London helped rebuild there a little"I explain "how did you get roped into this"he asks "I wanted to see you guys one last time I missed you guys we didn't talk much after well after steve died"I admit "you always had a place here Gracie you were one of us"Dugan says "yeah I know it's just hard being out here again"I sigh "your trying to distract yourself"Dugan says "what"I frown "Gracie come on we're old pals and even before I met you I felt I knew you Barnes would never shut up about you"he laughs I smile lightly swallowing the lump in my throat "I guess I am I thought maybe coming out here would help me say one last goodbye to bucky and steve"I admit "how do you feel"he asks I take a sip of the drink "I think I thought wrong"I say "but it gets me away from Howard so I guess it's kinda a win"I sigh "so what's up with stark and the livathen pricks"Dugan asks "the SSR is convinced Howard is selling illegal weapons to the enemies of the United States they think livathen is a potential buyer hell they even think I may have conspired with him"I sigh "you disagree"Dugan says drinking away "well for sure I'm not conspiring against the country my friends and loved ones died for and Howard he's well Howard he wouldn't sell weapons to the enemy"i shake my head "I mean don't get me wrong he is a total dick"I express "but a traitor I don't think so"I shake my head "wow did you just swear maybe the alcohol is working"Dugan jokes I roll my eyes "I've learned being sweet means being weak"I say "I don't agree with that look at you your the sweetest doll face I know and you could take a hit"he says I smile "yeah I could kick your ass"I laugh "so you think this thing is a whole trap it's always a damn trap"Dugan gets back to the subject "yeah I mean Peggy said they got a Inside Contact with the promise of capturing stark but I dunno why bring us all the way here and give up there seller"I shrug "that being said from the point of view of Howard actually selling them anything"I say "you seen him since"Dugan asked "yeah he's still the same old douche bag"I sigh "guess some people never change"Dugan laughs I nod agreeing. I grab his cigarette throwing it out the window "hey"he says "you already smell bad enough"I sigh "you used to be more fun"Dugan jokes "I was once upon a time"I frown he sighs "I miss them to"Dugan says I look at him and we go silent from then on.

Agent Carter: The Chronicles Of Gracie Hart spin off: through the years Where stories live. Discover now