Letting Go Of What Once Was

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We rush to the air field Howie owns it's dark but we can see the plane movie we jump out our cars "Howard"Peggy yells as he is far off we rush to the car "we have 12 minutes before he reaches New York with that gas"Sousa says "someone should get in a plane"Peggy says "and shoot him down with all that gas"Sousa says "we would have to do it over water"Thompson says "only problem I've never flew a plane"he finishes "same here"Sousa says Jarvis looks at me "I have I can do it"I nod "Gracie I can't ask you to do this"Peggy sighs "lets not make this about steve or bucky for once lets make it about Howie, he wouldn't want us to let him go through with this he would want us to stop him and if I can do that..." I pause before sighing "if I have to do that so be it"I sigh Peggy looks at me and I nod.

I jump up into the plane turning on all the controls needed as Thompson leans over the top "so when did you fly a plane"Thompson asks "after the war Howard felt learning how to drive and fly a plane would be useful of course I still can't drive"I admit "but you can fly"he frowns "I never said I was a good flyer"I admit making Thompsons face pale I guess a bad pilot is better than no pilot "if Carter finds this guy you never have to fire a shot"Thompson says I nod "Gracie I wanna say sorry for what i said about you I was wrong you do save people you do care and I know captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes would be proud to call you there friend"he yells over the wind I smile at him before he closes the glass above me I put the plane in drive speeding along the tarmac taking off into the sky when I hit peak speed. "Howie"I say over coms finding his frequency "Gracie hey I found his signal Gracie I'm gonna bring him home for you"he says I wince knowing he means steve "Howie listen to me you need to stop it's the doc he's got control of you he is trying to get you to drop gas over civilians"I try reason with him "don't worry Gracie there's no civilians around here"Howard says cheerfully. "I come to see Gracie I let you down by not finding steve maybe that's why you can barely stand hearing his name or Sargent Barnes because your never got to say goodbye not a real goodbye, we never found there bodies"he explains "I'm gonna find steves body and bring him home Gracie"he says I let tears pool in my eyes and try take a deep breathe keeping the plane steady "oh Howie"I shake my head while keeping my eyes in front of me, flying ahead seeing his plane "howie you must come back"I sigh through my wet eyes "I know this sound crazy but that guy fannoff he helped me he showed me how to do this I'm bringing cap back Gracie if that's the least I can do for you"Howard says I sigh "Howie you have done so much for me you are the reason I'm not laying in a gutter somewhere half dead if I didn't have you all these months I would have lost my mind you helped me even if it seems like you haven't you have you saved me from destroying myself"I sob this is like history repeating "turn the plane around please Howie we can talk all about about this we can go and find steve together if that's what your really want"I sob gripping he
Steering wheel of the plane so tight my knuckles go white. "I can't do that I'm done talking Gracie"he says cutting me off I sob as I see him get close to the city I have to do it now I lift the hatch to the fire button and hover over it taking deep breaths I turn the Chanel to Peggy "pegs"I sob "Gracie I'm here what's going on"she asks "he thinks he's finding steve, I have him in my sights he's close to the city" I sob "your gonna have to shoot him down" Peggy says I stay silent "gracie"I hear Peggy yelling for me to do it I switch channels ignoring my red headed friend "Howard you listen to me steve is dead he died a year ago and that's not your fault I never blamed you"I sob "there something up ahead gracie it's him"Howie replies "I can fix this"Howie says "you don't have to fix anything"I sob "Gracie all I've done my whole life is create destruction project rebirth was the one thing I've done that brought good into this world"he sighs "he was the one good thing I helped bring into this world and so are you your so powerful and so sweet and so kind you make me wanna be a better guy"Howie says I sob "I keep asking you on all these dates because I generally like you Gracie"Howie says "I sleep with all these women to make myself feel better but it doesn't take away the guilt"he says "Howard I know you loved him"I sob "I loved him to he was my best friend but this won't bring him back I'll just lose you to and that Howard stark that would kill me inside because you have been my rock"I cry speeding up behind his plane "Howard you are all I have left in this world you and Peggy that's it and I know that we can't go on without you"I sob "steve is gone we have to move on all of us as impossible as that may sound we have to let him go"I sob "Gracie he was good before I got ahold of him huh"Howard asks "yes he was he was a great friend and a gentleman even before"I answer "Howie where are you now"I ask to see if he still thinks he's out looking for steve "it appears I'm flying a plane to New York"he replies I sigh "I see you flying behind me who knew you could fly so good maybe you can explain what's going on when we land"Howie says I sigh "Howard"I sob happy tears now "Peggy he's okay we are coming back"i say changing Chanel.

When we land I jump down from the plane Howard getting down from his "Howie"i yell running to him he lifts me as I hug him right spinning me round "I was so worried"I cry he cups my face "don't cry doll your to pretty for tears"he says I laugh hugging him "so about that date"he says I roll my eyes "not the time man"I shake my head "So you gonna explain why we were flying my planes"he says as I pull away.

We walk together talking he didn't seem happy with the idea I was willing to shoot him down. we see Peggy and Jarvis Peggy looks at Howard so does Jarvis he hugs Jarvis before he hugs Peggy right "what we gonna do with his guy"Howard asks looking at the doc being put in car by Thompson and Sousa "I say we put him in a trunk till we find a more permanent location for him "Peggy says "Dottie escaped we won't be hearing the last of her"Peggy says "Ida that's her name"Howard says I scoff pushing him before me Jarvis and Peggy walk away.

Back at the house a few days later I'm sitting listening to night and day by frank Sinatra reading the wizard of oz when Howard sits in front of me I close my book looking up "you did so well bucky and steve would be so proud of you"Howie says I smile gently "a lot of people have been saying that to me recently"I smile "I wanted to give you something that should have been yours many months ago"howie says i frown he pulls out the vile of steves blood I gasp "you sacrificed time and time again and this can't even begin to repay you but I hope it's a start"he says handing me the blood I hold it tight "what about the devices"I ask "I'm going to destroy them all I've decided they can't be trusted with any government even our own"he says I smile "I'm proud of you Howie"I smile.

A few days later I stand at Peggy's door she's moved in to another stark residence I knock and Peggy answers "Gracie"she smiles "hey Peggy"I smile. We step inside "would you like some coffee or tea"she asks "yeah um I can't stay long actually I'm planning on going back to London I leave tonight"I explain "oh your leaving"she frowns "I will be back Peggy I just need some down time besides Howie gave me a job at stark inc as head of Human Resources and scientific development so I'm recruiting and that requires travel"I say she nods "so you and Howard your working together now"Peggy asks I sigh "I need to try move on Dugan said to me bucky wouldn't have wanted me to be sad and mope and he's right bucky wouldn't have wanted that for me so here is me trying Howard will be Howard but who knows maybe I could be the woman to change that"I answer "I'm happy for your Gracie but good luck taming Howard"Peggy says I smile"I wanted you to have something"I say "call it a goodbye gift"I say she frowns I pull out the vile from my purse "steve loved you I've never seen him look at a woman the way he looked at you and I've come at accept steve is gone and so is bucky and they won't be coming back"I say sighing "but I feel you need to say goodbye to him so i hope this will help"I say handing her the vile "do with it as you please it's yours now"I smile "Gracie I couldn't take this"she says shocked "I want you to"I smile she stares at it in silence "goodbye old friend"I smile hugging her before leaving the through the door. As I walk back to the car Jarvis waits in I smile I did what's right. I put my head down getting back in the car.

Agent Carter: The Chronicles Of Gracie Hart spin off: through the years Where stories live. Discover now