Theres A Formula For Everything

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1947 the past year had been pretty mundane but I guess I was better emotionally I could talk about steve and bucky now and not wanna burst into tears of course I still mourned and missed them. Me and Howie had been dating for the last year and he himself had stayed loyal and he kept my life interesting he was a good man and he made me as happy as possible I haven't mentioned to him the fact I don't see a future with him because I haven't and can't stop loving bucky. I know it's selfish but the truth is I don't want to see the look on Howard's face when I break to him that I can't see us ever being more than just what we are now, I will son but for now we are as happy as I can be without bucky and steve and I refuse to ruin that.

Currently I was in Prague it was beautiful the past few months I've gone more places in the world than I could have ever thought I would after all I was just a normal Brooklyn girl a couple of years back. Me steve and bucky could have only dreamed of seeing all the places I have. Part of me feels I'm trying to live my life for the 3 of us. I was packing my bag ready to leave when I feel Howie rap his arms round my waist "what's up love"Howie smiles in my neck hugging me close "Howie"I smile holding his wrists on my stomach making sure he doesn't put his hands lower this is a lot of what our relationship has consisted of I don't openly go out of my way to be prudish but Howie understands he is the 2nd guy I've ever dated considering I was a young teen when me and bucky started seeing each other romantically and we did so till the day he died. "You ready to go my dame"he asks I close my suitcase turning and pecking his lips "yes"I smile see the last month Howard had been filming a western movie and we were just scouting locations out here although secretly I think he brought us here because it was my birthday a few days ago.

Once we got back to LA we headed straight to our house splitting into our own rooms. I laid sleepy on my bed covers "Gracie I'm gonna head down to location did you wanna come"he asks I look over at him at the door "I'm quite fine here"I smile he comes over kissing my head before walking out "rest I'll see you later"he calls as he leaves I sigh in content letting myself fall asleep.

I laughed as bucky and steve groaned from the vicious ride we had just gotten off. We had snuck off to Coney Island for the day much to the dismay of our parents then again what fun would our teen years be without being a little rebellious. We were 16 and saw the world as a game still "you boys are so weak"I giggle as they glare playfully up at me "oh really little lady you think so"buckys eyebrow raises "I know so"I laugh. Before i can react bucky as me swung over his shoulder I giggle hitting his back as he spins us "steve save me"I laugh while calling for back up from my small friend "I don't think I will"steve laughs as bucky puts me down I pat my hair down "you ruined my curls"I pout hitting buckys chest he laughs "I think I made them look better"bucky jokes I scoff I look over at the game booth the prize a big bear "oh my god bucky look"I laugh pulling him over to the booth.

I'm pulled from my dream by a knock on my bed room door I yawn standing walking to the door opening it "Jarvis"I smile hugging my friend "ms hart"he smiles hugging me back I look over his shoulder "Peggy oh my god"I smile hugging her two she pats my back awkwardly never really liking hugs I pulled away "what brings you two here"I smile "I was hoping to catch Howard"Peggy says "but I see I may have missed him"she says "oh no worries we can go down to set"I smile "I'll just get changed"I say walking back into my room.

"Your in the shot"Howard yells as me Jarvis and Peggy stand at the far back we move slightly "still in the shot"we move again "cut"Howard finally gives up coming down from his high chair walking over to us "I see you made some friends"Howie smiles at me I roll my eyes playfully "Peggy miss me"Howie smirks she just scoffed as I laughed.

We sit in Howard's office on set as he takes a look at a video Peggy brought explaining what we are actually looking at as me and Howie lean over the screen "unbelievable enough riffs to put a atomic explosion to match you got a blockbuster flick on your hands peg"Howie says looking up at Peggy "it's quite amazing to be honest"I frown "you have any idea what could do that"i ask "zero matter at least that's what doctor wilks thought I was hoping the two of you could help with that"Peggy says looking at both me and Howie. "Well for starters that kinda power doesn't exist in the natural world this zero matter stuff could be the greatest thought of the century"I comment as Howie looks though the files peggy brought "apparently it's enough for isadine to fabricate a story about dr wilks being a communist"Jarvis says from the back making tea "that's a easy enough set up he's already a target because of the colour of his skin"Howard says kinda blunt but sadly it's true. People of colour don't get the rights they deserve and I can only hope one day they will it makes me sad seeing how there treated like lesser humans "I won't let them tarnish dr wilks name like this"Peggy says as I sit down in the spinning chair "wilks was a member of the arena club"Howard frowns holding up a pin "is that were the pin is from"Peggy says "I'm amazed they allowed him to be a member they keep there ranks male and pale Jarvis here isn't even white enough for them"Howard says collecting his bourbon from Jarvis as he comes to give me some tea Jarvis scoffs "I'm 1/16th Turkish"he sighs. "What type of organisation is it"Peggy asks as Jarvis hands her some tea she puts it down "it's a social club for the LA silver spoon crowds since 1906 there influential there powerful the arena club is where they all congregate"Howie explains getting ice for his drink "they have been trying unsuccessfully to recruit mr stark for years"Jarvis says "I'm not a joiner"Howie says "no he just doesn't play well with others"I raise my brow smirking he winks at me and roll my eyes "women aren't aloud"Jarvis says "well there's that to"Howie says "that pin belonged to one of the men that tried to kill me last night and Dottie underwood tried to steal one just like it back in New York"Peggy says "who is Dottie underwood"Howie frowns I frown at him in disbelief "she kidnapped you last year"I say as if it's obvious "you were wearing your brown leather jacket"Jarvis sighs "right the blonde with the Russian killer back hand"Howie clicks I sigh "why do I put up with you"I ask more myself before looking back at peg. "A soviet spy and a all boys club what have you gotten yourself into peg"I sigh "I don't know but at least I know where to start looking"she says walking off.

Agent Carter: The Chronicles Of Gracie Hart spin off: through the years Where stories live. Discover now