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I sit in the living room of howies place the radio was on while I sat reading the wizard of oz my favourite book and movie I may add somewhere over the rainbow is my favourite song. The radio started to play something involving captain America actors voicing the events of his demise I frown staring at the book on my lap but not reading it "when we last left our hero captain America had saved the 25th infantry but his plane was going down over the Sea of Japan"the narrator says his voice deep. "Gracie I'm afraid this is the end"a male voice says playing steve "steve no please we can find a way"a over dramatic female voice whines I close my eyes stopping the tears as flashes to that night run through my head the way I begged him to let me find another way. "Betty I wish this didn't have to go this way"the male playing steve said obviously changing Peggy's name "oh cap there will never be another man like you I love you captain America"another women's voice said "but Betty and Gracie stood with wet tears and broken hearts hearing only static"I growl throwing my book down and grabbing the radio smashing it on the floor in anger. I sit back down gasping to breath through my tears it's not fair people making this into a show for the worlds amusement nothing about this is amusing. Jarvis comes into the room "ms hart"he gasps I look up "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll tidy this"I gasp dropping to the floor picking up some broken pieces before I feel hands grab mine stopping me from picking them up "Gracie"someone whispers I look up "Howie"I whisper squinting through my tears "doll come on"he helps me stand and pulls me into a hug I stand hugging Howie "I dunno why I still get so effected by this"I mutter into his chest "he was your best friend Gracie you won't just move on"Howie says "especially when you lost the 2 most important men in you life in such a small time frame"Howard sighs stoking my hair I pull away resting my hands on his chest "why are you back"I ask he just looks me in the eyes "we have things to do"he says.

Jarvis drives me and Howie to the SSR we walk though to the desk areas "he must have a target we just have to figure out what it is"Peggy says as we walk in she's sitting with Thompson and other agents "the target is me"Howie speaks up getting there attention from in between me and Jarvis. Just then every agent in the room pulls there guns out aiming it at Howard "get your hands up"Thompson yells I step forward in front of Howie as Jarvis raises his hands "stop Thompson drop you weapons"I frown at them as Peggy stares at me "ms hart step out of the way"Sousa says I roll my eyes "would you all like to put your guns down you look like idiots now either shoot me or put them back in your panties and let's talk like grown adults"I scoff at the agents "what kind of welcome is this"Howie sighs stepping out beside me giving me a look saying it okay "how the hell did you get in here"Sousa asks "do you know who designed the security system here"Howard asks "yeah the same provider that secures the White House"Sousa says "exactly they stick you should have hired me"Howie says I roll my eyes "so not helping"I frown at Howie "stop over shadowing me it makes me feel like a girl"howie sighs "sweetie if I could name one guy I think is more girl like it would be you"I smirk before he turns to Peggy "I know you missed me"he smirks.

I sit beside Howard in a office "as of this moment your under arrest"Sousa says as he limps to Howard "you know I could help you with that"Howie says looking at Sousa' leg "roger Dooley is dead"Thompson slams his hand down getting in Howard's face listing off people killed beside of Howard's company "I know it's why I came back to say everything I know about the battle of finnal"Howard says "I really don't care about some old war story"Thompson sits Peggy comes and stands by me "well you should cause all those deaths are on me to"Howie says standing "the gas is called midnight oil"he says explaining to them what he explained to me back at the house I frown I still hate the fact he created a poisonous gas but he didn't do it on purpose. "You created a deadly gas"Peggy asks shocked "not intentionally the army wanted something that would keep soldiers awake for days at a time but it failed caused symptoms similar to sleep depravation anger, hallucination, psychosis"he explains grabbing some files from a box "if you knew that why use it in finnal"Sousa asks "I didn't my lab was raided my samples my research all under the order of general mcGuinness the next day they dropped it on the Russians to help them take finnal I flew there afterwards to see with my own eyes what those men did to each other you can only imagine"Howard says as me and Peggy look at the pictures "we don't need to imagine we saw what they did in the theatre I experienced it myself"Sousa says "you survived?" Howie says "it's been known to cause exfoliation"Howie says "that explains my sore throat"Sousa says we go on to talk about the doc "we're all at risk if he can control the chief" Peggy says "no not this time he wants me so we will use me as the bait while the SSR set the trap"Howard says I frown "no Howie"I frown "yeah something public real showy"Thompson says "are you insane"I ask "is no one thinking clearly"I ask "Gracie it's gonna be okay cause you gonna be there as for showy that's the only way I do it"Howie smirks I frown leaning back in my chair.

I sit dressed up in a pretty skirt and nice blazer on a chair in the SSR "how do I look"Howie says turning to me "fine"I sigh he frowns "Gracie it has to be done"he explains "yeah accept most people hate you Howie if things go bad who says the SSR are gonna have your back"I ask "I don't trust them either Gracie but I trust Peggy and I trust you"he holds my hand standing up "I actually wanted to talk to you about something"Howie says I frown "when this blows over and my names cleared I was wondering if you wanted to come work for my company as head of the Human Resources and scientific development programs you would get to make your own teams and test any new inventions before deciding whether there safe or not"he explains "you want me to do that"i frown "you have the skills the degree the time"Howie shrugs "you need to use your skills to help advance the world Gracie I know your the gal for the job"Howie smirks I smile "yeah okay I'll take the job on one condition"I smirk "oh god hit me with it"he winces "you admit I'm smarter than you"I grin "okay your fired"he jokes I roll my eyes "how about I agree to admit your on the same level of genius as me?"he says "so I'm stupid?"Gracie mocks with a sly smile making howie roll his eyes playfully. "Howard I still don't feel comfortable with this"I sigh "your doing this to punish yourself you don't need to I've got enough blood on my hands Howie I can't lose you to"I frown "Gracie I've gone through life not caring about what people think of me but you, your one of the people that I want to show I'm more than just a ladies man or a rich douche bag I care what you think of me"he says squeezing my hands "you don't have to prove anything to me Howard I know your no coward"I sigh "I want to prove to you again I'm worthy of your friendship"he admits I sigh "okay but your wearing armour"I state "I can deal with that"Howie nods "another thing would you consider that date after this"Howie asks I sigh "if you live I'll consider it"I smirk walking off.

Me and Peggy along with other SSR agents split off around the crowd of the press conference that was set up as Thompson and stark stand up front Thompson declaring starks innocence. "Peggy are all the roofs covered"I ask over walki talki "yeah all covered"she relays "there here I can feel it"I say "stay on watch Gracie"Peggy replies just then a shot is fired above Howard, Thompson jumps on stark saving him "up top of the hotel"I yell over over the walki as I run across the street into the building. Me Thompson and Peggy run up the steps into a room finding it empty and a rigged gun made to fire itself "where are they"Thompson says "it's rigged there long gone"I sigh "starks been grabbed"Sousa says over coms "oh no"I sigh running off.

I get to a car Jarvis and Sousa up front "drive"I yell as they take off in the car we get to a ally seeing the car Howard was in it's empty "oh god"I sigh "this isn't good"Jarvis says "no shit"I sigh.

We gather with Thompson and Peggy and discuss the target and where the doc could be taking Howard maybe Times Square is the target suddenly as we are all discussing away Jarvis speaks "I think I know where he's headed"he says we all look at Jarvis "where"I ask "If he wants to put the blame on stark wouldn't it be most effective to use one of mr starks own planes"Jarvis says "he can't we got them all"Thompson says I frown "well not quite all of them"Jarvis says looking guilty "there is another vault larger than the first"Jarvis says I sigh "you know I'm not even shocked, come on let's get his ass out of trouble yet again"I shake my head making a move.

Agent Carter: The Chronicles Of Gracie Hart spin off: through the years Where stories live. Discover now