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A/N this is short and probably not even at all decent but here you go.


The floor tilted dangerously beneath your unsteady feet, and the bottle in your hand slipped and smashed on the floor, or was it the ceiling? You couldn't tell anymore. You couldn't even walk. Even if you could have, you would have never found your room on the USS Enterprise. In apathetic defeat, you slid down the wall and rested on the floor. Your eyes closed without your control and everything faded to black.

"Dammit (y/n)," you heard a voice mutter, though you couldn't be sure you hadn't imagined it in your current state. You felt movement again, almost like someone was carrying you, but you ignored it and drew back into the emptiness of unconsciousness.

You woke up, the next morning, to the walls and constant beeping sounds of the Med Bay. You looked around, confused and groggy. Dr. McCoy walked over to you, seeing that you had woken up.

'What happened?" you asked, feeling your throat crack painfully.

"Kirk and I found you passed out in a puddle of liquor last night. (Y/n), are you doing okay?" Bones asked. He had been one of your best friends at the academy and, after a few really bad months you had had, he had always been mildly concerned about you at all times. The concern had only multiplied recently when the two of you had started dating.

"I guess so..." you said.

"What's wrong, Darling?" His eyes invited you to tell him everything.

"I just haven't been feeling well lately. Everything just seems so faded and distant, like I've gone numb to my life. I feel like I'm just going crazy. Nothing makes sense anymore." You looked up at him just as tears that had been held back for months began to slide down your cheeks.

"You're not going crazy; I promise. Just like I promise this will pass," he said, leaning in to hug you. You clung to the back of his blue shirt and just sat like that for a few minutes, feeling his steady breathing and hearing his heartbeat through his chest. "And I'll always be here when you need me. For whatever you need."  

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