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The metal bowl made a clattering noise as it collided with the kitchen tile. You cursed under your breath and tried to pick it up without making any additional noise. Holding your breath, you tiptoed over to the oak-stained cabinet and pulled out a box of (your favorite cereal).

The noise of the cereal being poured into the bowl seemed deafening to you. You cringed and fumbled around for a spoon, praying that you wouldn't knock over anything more.

You ate your cereal in the silence of your dark kitchen, wishing that you were asleep instead. In your bedroom, you could hear the quiet rustling of sheets where your boyfriend, Spock, slept. You assumed he was asleep, at least, though this assumption proved to be false when the kitchen light was turned on.

"Why are you eating cereal at three in the morning, (y/n)?" Spock asked, drowsily raising an eyebrow at you.

"The better question is why aren't you eating cereal at three in the morning." You dissolved into a fit of giggles. Spock just stared at you in confusion.

"I do not see how that is the better question nor do I understand what was so humorous about your remark," he said.

"Spockkkkkk," you slurred, "Maybe I was just hungry.

"I believe that you should rest. You have been getting far fewer hours of sleep than is recommended for a human of your age recently," he stated, as he placed a hand on your shoulder and absentmindedly trailed it down to your free hand.

"I can function just fine on the amount of sleep I've been getting," you grumbled.

"You are sitting in a dark kitchen eating cereal and laughing while everyone else is asleep; this is not functioning 'just fine' as you say."


"(Y/n), please just come back to bed," Spock pleaded. You finally nodded and allowed him to lead you back to your shared bedroom. You lay down in his arms and felt his lips press against your temple before you drifted asleep.

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