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"Mom" Rory said

"Yeah" Lorelai said

"I'm pregnant" Rory said

"Are you sure?" Lorelai asked

"Yes " Rory said

Lorelai pulls Rory into her arms as tears run down Rory's face

"when did you find out" Lorelai asked

"Yesterday" Rory said

"Who's" Lorelai asked

Rory looks at her mother sheepishly and Lorelai knows..... Logan

"Have you told him?" Lorelai asked

"No, I don't know how, I don't know if I can" Rory said

Jess walked up behind them and they didn't hear him.

"Rory, Your pregnant?" Jess asked

"Yes....." Rory said

"after your done talking with your mom can we please talk?" Jess asked

"Yes, Jess I will meet you in the diner" Rory said

"Mom are you mad?" Rory asked

"No, I could never be mad at you, Your an adult not 16" Lorelai said

"I'm scared, I cant do it without you mom" Rory said

"You have me and Luke sweetie" Lorelai said

"Thank you" Rory said

"Now go see jess, I'm going to get home to my husband" Lorelai said

"Thank you mom" Rory said

Rory walk's into the diner where jess is standing and he gestures to the stair's for them to go talk privately

"After you" he said

"Sure" she said

"So, Your pregnant and it's Logans" he said

"Yes sadly and please don't be mad it was not planned" she said

"I'm not mad I know you didn't plan it" he said

"Thank you, I hope your not disappointed" she said

"Yes, But not in you. I'm worried for you and the baby" he said

"Oh... We will be fine" she said

"Well no matter what you will both be taken care of even if I do it myself" he said

"What do you mean?" she asked

"Well if you chose not to tell Logan or he doesn't accept it, I want to make sure your both taken care of " he said

"Well he's engaged, I don't know if I could tell him or how I would" she said

"If I was going to be a dad I would want to know, No matter what, He deserves to know" He said

"I know, I'm just worried he will tell me not to keep it and I cant do that" she said

"If he does you don't have to do it, You will have help and support to raise the baby" He said

"Thank you jess, I really needed to hear that" she said

"Well it's the truth, So do you want to discuss how your going to tell him?" he asked

"Yes, I'm thinking over the phone. I don't want to see his face, I'm not even sure I want him around, My baby doesn't need a Christopher" She said

"If you call him I will sit with you if you want" he said

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