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They sneak into the wheelchair accessible bathroom to clean up before heading back thru the coat check and back onto the dance floor hoping no one noticed they disappeared, They danced one song before heading back to the table with the guys

"Love, you look absolutely glowing" Finn says

"Uh ya thank you I feel good" Rory says

"Logan you look cheerful tonight" Colin says

"Ya of course I'm with Rory and our baby on valentines day" Logan says

"Oh I'm sure" Finn says

"So were did you to run off too from the dance floor" Robert asks

"What do you mean" Logan asks

"We saw you both walk into the hall back there, what did you two get up too" Colin says

"Making out, talking you know that kind of stuff" Rory says

"Oh ya so no hanky panky in the back of the coast check room" Finn says

Logan just has a big smile on his face

"I resent that comment" Rory says snickering

"Ahh yes I have done that many of times" Colin says

"I dont need to o want to know" Rory says

"Was it at least good Love" Finn asks

"Better then good" Rory says

"Looks like it was a lot better then good for you both" Robert says

After a few more hours of dancing Logan and Rory headed home, Making out in the back of the car like a couple of horny teenager until they got home. Once home Rory and Logan both went into their rooms to change into something more comfortable and decided they where going to watch a movie before bed, Rory put on a pair of short shorts and a tank top that barely covered her stomach and Logan just put on a pair of Yale sweatpants that hung low on his hip's showing off the V shape of his lower body.

"No shirt tonight" Rory asks

"no its really warm in here tonight" Logan says

"I thought it was just me that felt hot" Rory says

"no I forgot to turn the heat down today" Logan says

"Oh was this planned" Rory says mocking Logans earlier question

"No, but hey it worked to my advantage I get to see those sexy legs and that belly carrying our baby" Logan says

"You can see them anytime you want, I do walk around in less often" Rory says

"maybe I should just randomly come home and see" Logan says

"Or you may just find me around the house like this randomly you never know" Rory says laughing

"Remind me to not bring the boys over without letting you know" Logan says laughing

"Oh please 2 of the 3 are harmless and the third would get his ass kicked even he tried" Rory says

"That is true, the boys have my back and would protect you till death" Logan says

"I would also hurt him" Rory says

"Ya you can take care of yourself but I wouldnt want you to get hurt" Logan says

"I know and I love you for that" Rory says

When the move was almost over Rory and Logan took a break from kissing and Rory looked at Logan with her big blue eye's

"Logan, would it be ok if I slept in your room with you tonight"

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