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"Then depending on how things go I would think about it but I need to do what's best for our baby" Rory said

"I understand, I really hope things go well then, I would really love to raise this baby with you" Logan said

"I would like that too but as of right now we can co-parent and that's all" Rory said

"Ok, Now the next question. Would you want to live with me after Odette is gone?" Logan asked

"Once again we will see, but if I was too it may not be for us as a couple I may want my own room" Rory said

"That would be fine I would just be happy to have you and the baby close" Logan said

"I'm happy to hear you would be ok with that" Rory said

"Next question where would you want to live if you where to live with me, Hartford or Stars hollow" Logan said

"Hartford would be closer for your work and I don't exactly have a job so." Rory said

"Ok settled I will get a place in Hartford" Logan said

"Ok" Rory said

"Do you want me to come to your appointment's?" Logan asked

"Only if you want too" Rory said

The car stop's "We are here Mr. Huntzburger"

"Thank you frank" Logan say's

"What you got frank?" Rory asks in shock

"Yes, he is the only driver I trust to keep things quiet" Logan says

"Understandable, he did drive for you all the way threw collage" Rory said

Logan took her to her favorite Italian restaurant that is so hard to get into unless you book months in advance

"Logan how did you get a reservation so fast?" Rory asked

"My dad knows the owner and the chef, he gave us a private room for the two of us, It's the VIP room" Logan said

"Wow, Perks to being a Huntzburger" Rory said

"Well honestly it's a perk of knowing the right people, the reservation is under Hayden and we get a private entrance" Logan said

"Oh nice, then no paparazzi will take our photo's" Rory said with a laugh

"Exactly, I wouldn't want to have you or the nugget be in danger" Logan said

"The nugget???" Rory said with an eyebrow raised

"Yes, it's first nick name" Logan said

"I'm sure we can come up with a better one" Rory said

"We will see" Logan said with a smirk

"Did you tell the boy's yet" Rory asked

"No I was going to ask you if we could" Logan said

"Well yes but make it clear no one else can know and thank you for asking" Rory said

"Can I phone them and ask them to come here right now?" Logan asked

"Of course we can surprise them" Rory said

Logan called the boys and they aid they would be there in 15 min

"Well they are on the way" Logan said

"Good, I cant wait to see their face's" Rory said

"Me either" Logan said

"I'm going to hide in the bathroom to surprise them" Rory said

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