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December 12th

All the new furniture is delivered to the house, Logan had asked Rory to be there when it was delivered to make sure it was all there and Finn was there for muscle to move things if needed.

Rory got light headed after the first few things where brought into the house so Finn made he lay down on the couch so the rest of the stuff could be brought in, Finn knew what furniture went in each room so while she slept him and Colin who ended up showing up mid day decided to set the room's up while she slept, They set the master bedroom and Rory's room up first then "Their room's", Robert had called and asked for the address because he wanted to help but Finn knew what Robert had said and it was very disrespectful to Logan and just fed into Rory's fears, Finn knew if anything happened to Logan that Logan would want Finn to be around for Rory and the baby, He had said so many times threw the year's.

Finn and Colin even unpacked a few of Logan's box's of clothing from London, They found Rory's box's including her box of sexy panties and bra's, Finn just nicely placed them in the top drawer of her new dresser. When they boy's finished they stayed to keep an eye on her until she either woke up or Logan got there, She woke up to her head on Finn's lap and her feet on Colin's lap.

"How the hell did I end up like this?" Rory asked

"Love, We sat down around you and you curled up to me and put your feet on Colin" Finn said

"Oh wow I must have been dreaming you where Logan or my mom, I'm sorry guy's" Rory said

"Rory it's fine we are here for your comfort and to help you" Colin said

"I know but I really shouldn't be curling up with you, Logan would be so upset" Rory said

"Love, He would just be happy you are taken care of and safe, You must have felt the body heat and needed some cuddles" Finn said

"How is it that off all the guy's in Yale I found Logan and you guy's, and you all turned out to be the good guys not the jerks you acted like?" Rory asked

"Ahh you see Logan fell in love with the only girl who didn't swoon to him and had no problem saying what was on her mind and you became one of us, Our savior in a way" Colin said

"Love, You even us out and make sure we stay alive, You showed us we can love" Finn said

"Your both cheesy sap's like Logan" Rory said

"Yes, but only with you" Colin said

"So why didn't Robert come over?" Rory asked

"We don't think it's a good idea he come over in less Logan is here, we know what he said and we know it just fed your fears of Logan leaving, and it was disrespectful to Logan for him to say what he did to you" Collin said

"Wait, What happened to the real Colin and Finn??? They couldn't care less if they disrespected someone" Rory said jokingly

"You and Logan are different, You are the love of his life, The carrier of his precious cargo, we don't dare step on his toe's" Finn said

"Well in that case, thank you. I don't really feel comfortable near him alone since he said that stuff" Rory said


I have decided to stop writing this story for now, It was not turning out the way I wanted it too so I started a new story to change it more to the way I wanted it to go, If you want me to keep writing this please leave a comment and I will

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