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December 5th

It's the first Monday of the month and that mean's it's the day of the town meeting.

Rory is nervous about tonight she's finally going to tell the town her new's so the rumor mill can stop, Lorelai is going to sit with Rory when she tell's everyone. Taylor bangs in the meeting with his gavel, I know "dirty", He goes over all the town tuff and it's open floor time, Rory puts her hand up and he calls on her, She walks up to the front

"Hello everyone I just wanted to announce that I'm Not just fat I am pregnant"

Everyone look's at jess

"You hooligan you did this too poor innocent Rory" Taylor yells

Jess put's his hand's up like "It wasnt me"

"I get blamed for everything happening still" Jess said

"No Taylor Jess didnt do this too me, My collage BF did.. Jess has just been there to be my emotional support, someone to talk too and friend and I'm not exactly innocent in it, It takes two people to make a baby" Rory said

"I know what it takes to make a baby.." Taylor say's

"Well you seem to think a guy just impregnates a woman without her participation" Jess say's

"Anyways the person in the Porsche is the father and we are just friends right now also trying to figure things out" Rory said

"Well that set's all the roomer's straight" Taylor say's

December 9th

Logan call's Rory from his office

"Hello" Rory answers

"Hi ace, I was calling too see if you would maybe want to come stay at my apartment this weekend and maybe help me pick out furniture and paint color's for the house" Logan asks

"Ya sure, I know you love my input" Rory say's

"I'm off work at 4" Logan say's

"I will be at the apartment around then" Rory say's

Logan already gave her a key to his apartment so if they where going to meet up or she wanted to just crash there she could get in, She came by a few times unannounced possibly too see if Logan is up to no good or not but she does always let him know she's there if he's not.

When Logan get's home from work Rory is already on the couch snacking and looking particularly sexy today.

"You ready to head to the house to figure out room's and colors before furniture?"

"Yes I am let's go"

Once they get to the house Rory walk's by the master bedroom and the room next to it

"Logan the master is your bedroom of course and the room next to it will be me and the babies room" Rory said

"Noo, it goes my room, Baby's room and then your room" Logan said

"Logan I'm fine sleeping in the baby's room" Rory said

"No I insist there is 6 bedrooms you should have your own private space when youre here" Logan said

"Fine you win" Rory said

"Thank you, Now color's" Logan said

"I see a light blue for the master suite, Nursery TBD depending on the sex and My room Royal blue" Rory said

"How about both our bedroom's be royal blue, the kings suite and the queens suite" Logan said

"Ya that work's, Next room Finn's room hmmm Green, Next Colin's room Mocha and chocolate brown and the last bedroom can be the library" Rory said

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