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November 25th

Today was the day Odette and her family would be served with the lawsuit papers, Logan knew Odette would be angry and he expected her father to phone Mitchum freaking out and he did. Mitchum plainly said a contract was broken because of Odette's infidelity and Logan was upset by it so they wanted damages, Pierre wanted to fight it not realizing they had more proof then Mitchum had originally sent him.

Rory has still been spending time with Jess but she's been spending time with Logan also, She's trying to figure out her feelings for both guy's and they both know about each other and understand she's in a rough emotional spot. Rory is basically openly dating both men but it doesn't go past kissing at the most.

Logan wants to be with her as a family but can understand why she's hesitant, She doesn't know if he's only around because she's pregnant and Jess knows no matter what Logan and Rory will have something keeping them in eachother's life's for ever but knows Rory is scared she may get with jess to only have him run away if things get hard with Logan and the baby, Jess is a known runner and ya so he didn't run when she told him about the baby but it could be a fluke.

Logan decided to call Rory up randomly

"Hey Logan"

"Hey Ace, You want to come look at places with me today?"

"Well sure but don't forget I may not live with you"

"I still want your opinion as our child may be spending time here also"

"Ok I'm at the Gilmore Hartford house"

"Ok I will be there in 10"

Logan's real reason for wanting her to look at places with him is to make sure it's a place she will want to live since he is hoping they will be back together before the baby is born even if it's just as co-parent's, But he hopes it becomes a relationship and possible marriage. Rory is a smart girl she know's he wants to make sure she will like the house in hopes they can be together as a family but knows he wont say that because he doesn't want to make her feel pressured into being with him and she likes that he doesn't want to pressure her but also want's to make sure she likes the place also for comfort reason's.

"Hey ace, We have 4 places to look at today, Hopefully one is right" Logan said

"Well I hope so too, I hate house hunting" Rory said

"Well it's a good thing I don't plan on doing this often" Logan said with a chuckle

"Ya really, So your buying or renting?" Rory asked

"Buying, Even if I don't live here forever I cant sell or rent later on" Logan said

"So an investment property" Rory said

"Ya, I may end up needing a bigger place later on" Logan said

"Well maybe just get a place you can grow into, Maybe have a few guest room's" Rory said

"Or we fill it with kid's" Logan said laughing

"Maybe" Rory said

Logan looked at her in shock, He thought she would get mad and say no right away He thinks "maybe she's leaning towards me and this is her way of hinting"

"Have you thought about having more kids after this one?" Logan asks

"Ya I have, I want this one to have a sibling to be able to share things with, Like you and honor" Rory said

"Did you think how far apart you may want them?" Logan asked

"Well I want to for sure be married before I get pregnant again so maybe 3 or so years apart" Rory said

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