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November 13th

Logan and Mitchum meet in the office to discuss the pregnancy news in privacy

"Find out what Rory want's" Mitchum asked

"She doesnt want anything, she just thought I should know, I'm the one who wants to be in the kids life" Logan said

"Did she ask you to leave Odette?" Mitchum asked

"No he just made me realize that this baby should be my top priority and she wont allow me to walk in and out of the kids life" Logan said

"What would you do if Odette wont move where I transfer you IF I transfer you?" Mitchum asked

"I would end the engagement, This baby is going to be a big part of my life and if you dont transfer me I will quit" Logan said

"You realize this is going to cost a lot of money right?" Mitchum said

"Yes I know unfortunately" Logan said

"Well you have to talk to Odette and tell her I may be transferring you back out this way and see what she say's" Mitchum said

"She already said no, She said she would have her father make you change your mind" Logan said

"Well the only way out is if she breaks it off with you, So if you think this is best we will do what you think is best and get her to break it off with you" Mitchum said

"Fine, Transfer me to Hartford branch and say I'm needed at home due to grandpa's bad health and dont back down" Logan said

"Fine, You go tell Rory your moving back home to take care of that baby but I will be asking for a DNA test after the birth before anything is signed" Mitchum said

"I'm sure she will have no problem with that after the birth" Logan said

Logan drives back to stars hollow to talk face to face with Rory, He knows she's probably at the diner

"Is she upstairs?" Logan ask's Luke

"Yes, She's not alone" Luke answers

Logan walks up the stairs and knocks on the door waiting for an answer

"Hello Logan, Come here to tell me something?" Rory asks

"Yes can I come in and sit?" Logan asks

"Yes" Rory says as she gestures to the couch

"So me and my dad have figured a plan, Odette is refusing to move here if I'm transferred but I am being transferred to Hartford, My dad wants her to leave me but she will not know about the baby. My dad is fully on board about us raising the baby but he does want a DNA test after the birth before any papers are signed if that is ok" Logan says

"Yes just not during the pregnancy, When is the transfer?" Rory says

"Immediately, Its under the basis that my grandfathers health is worsening and it really is" Logan said

"I dont care about the details as long as me and our baby aren't in danger: Rory said

"No you wont be in danger, my dad and I do not want that, This baby may very well be my old child and will be the heir" Logan said

"I'm well aware, thats why your dad insists on a DNA test" Rory said

"Rory, I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner tonight o discuss somethings alone" Logan said

"I suppose, But its not a date" Rory said

"Ok I will pick you up around 8, here or your moms?" Logan said

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