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They drove to New Hampshire to the Inn Colin Owned and Odette had no idea about, They had a few other LDB friends meeting them up there and they all knew that anything that happened there stayed there.

Odette called everyone she could think of, Shira, Mitchum, Honor even a few of his other LDB friends, Everyone but Shira knew where he would be or who he would be with at least other then Shira who was kept in the dark about everything and no one would tell. Odette finally called Finn's cell

"Hello you have reached Finn, Don't bother leaving a message because I don't check them bye" and he hung up

This made Odette mad so she called the other guy's

"Hello, How can I help you?" Colin answered

"Where is Logan I need to talk to him" Odette barked

"He's a little tied up and cant talk" Colin said with a laugh

Odette could hear girls in the back ground, giggling and chanting chug, chug, chug Colin was also acting like he was drunk and this enraged Odette even more. Odette called her father and told him she couldn't marry Logan he was out drinking with his friends and a bunch of girls, Her dad told her to relax he was just blowing off steam and she had to marry him. Odette didn't know the truth Logan wasn't drinking Only Finn was while Robert drove, The truck was full all 8 seats. No one from the LDB liked Odette they all loved Rory, So they had no problem covering for them.

Once to the Inn everyone was assigned their rooms and they put their stuff in before the celebration started, It was a masquerade theme, Yes they did drink, Everyone but Rory and a few other's of course, everyone played pool, danced, sang, ate and had a great weekend. On the last day Logan finally turned his cell back on and called Odette

"Where are you, when will you be home" she barked at Logan

"I will be flying home tomorrow evening" Logan said

"Why cant you be any sooner?" Odette barked slightly quieter

"Well I need to blow off some steam" Logan said

"Those boys you call friends are bad influences on you, I insist they stay in their own homes" Odette said

"I cant go back on my word that they could stay with us while planning the bachelor party week" Logan said

"It's only one night" Odette said

"We planned a whole week, My dad already knows and he's going" Logan said

"Oh well I suppose you cant get into trouble then" Odette said

"No" Logan said

"Well let me know if you will be home sooner" Odette said

"I will" Logan said

Logan knew Odette was up to something with her last statement and Odette figured she had enough time to have someone come spend the night, Little did she know there was security cameras in the house linked up to a recorder, If Odette did anything in the apartment Logan and his dad would know.

"Hello, Come over he wont be home till tomorrow evening" Odette said to someone over then phone

An hour later a man came over and as soon as the door was closed and locked he was kissing Odette passionately and she had her legs wrapped around his waist, Logan had part of what he needed to get out of the wedding without calling it off himself and he got it all. Mitchum copied the little film and sent Odette's Father an email.

"Pierre, I don't know how you expect my son to marry a woman who does things like this in his home while he is out of town on business, A woman should not be sleeping around while engaged to another man, I expect her behavior to change and for her to not wind up pregnant near or before the wedding, If she does and claims she has been with no one else I will sue for breach of contract" Mitchum included the video of Odette and the mystery man

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