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"Hey, you forgave me for what I did all those years ago, Its not like you did anything wrong" Logan says

44 days later March 31st

Logan and Rory have been happily dating for the past few weeks, everything is going great and today they are getting an Ultrasound at their 27 week appointment hoping that the baby is willing to reveal it's gender this time, they have been waiting to find out for a few months now but baby Gilmore-Huntzburger is being stubborn and hiding it's gander really well so far.

"If you find out the gender can you write it on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope we aren't 100% sure we want to know before the gender reveal" Rory says

"Yes no problem, I will try to find the gender and if I cant I will move onto the mesuremtns then try again after" the Dr says

"Thank you" Logan says

"Well my, this baby sure wants to let us know the gender today, let me just right this down before I turn the screen around so you can see the baby" The Dr says

"Ok" Rory says

"Here's your baby" the Dr says

"Ace, Nugget is so perfect" Logan says

"Yes nugget is perfect, half mommy and half daddy" Rory says snickering

"Nugget" The Dr asks

"Ya its the nick name he came up with for the baby, our nugget of love" Rory says laughing

"Well that makes sense, I have heard people call their babies a lot of things but never nugget" The Dr says

"We like to be different" Logan says

"Well here's the gender in the envelope" The Dr says

"Thank you again for being so persistent with this stubborn one here" Rory says

"No problem, the baby was just playing shy" the Dr says

After they leave the dr's office they head to the bakery for their gender reveal cake, they chose to wait to find out with everyone else and asked the bakery to reseal the piece of paper the gender is written on so we can put the piece of paper in the baby book after the party.

"Well with that done now we just have to wait for the party tomorrow and find out what nugget is, I hope my parents dont find out" Logan says

"I'm sure if we tell everyone at the part we dont want your family finding out due to gender bias they will be more then happy to keep it hush hush since it is our baby" Rory says

"I sure hope so, I dont want my dad to start planning the baby's future if its a boy" Logan says

"I know, I understand we dont need to put that much pressure on the baby before its even born" Rory says

Later that night

Rory and Logan walk into their house, the living room is dark

"Huh I could have sworn I left a light on" Rory says

"Ya we always leave a light on, maybe a bulb burnt out" Logan says as he flicks on the light

"Surprise" their friends shout

"Woah, what are you guys doing you scared me" Rory says

"We wanted to make tonight extra special, You feeling up to going out" Stephanie asks

"Yes, I'm sure we can its not like we have work tomorrow just a gender reveal party" Rory says

"Lets get you dressed, Logan go put on something nice" Juliet says

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