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Over the next few days Rory spends some time at her moms house and tells the guys she just needs along time to think, She's really conflicted on who she really wants to be with, She has feelings for both the guys but to what the extent of her feeling is the problem, She's slept with both Jess and Logan and neither of them know about her sleeping with the other since she got pregnant and she want's to keep it that way but she also doesn't want to hurt either of them so she decided she isn't going to date either of them.

December 20th

She realizes now that sleeping with jess was the wrong thing to do, he was just a substitute for needing to feel close to someone and Yes it was great sex but it wasn't from love just lust in the heat of the moment, She also decided she would live with Logan just as friends and co-parents and get to know each other better again, he could go to any baby related activities if he chose too and they could still do movies and dinners and date other people if they chose too but Rory didn't and wasn't going to have sex with anyone else, she felt as if it would be invading her baby's privacy being with someone other then Logan.

Rory knows she loves Logan more then she has ever loved another man but she also has to think about the baby and put the needs of the child first. She is also still scared that Logan will take off at the first bit of roughness or go bad to his old ways if she isn't constantly having sex with him, She decided to stop having sex with him when she moved into the house on the basis that she wanted to keep any romantic feelings aside while her and Logan go to know each other as friends and not have the sexual side involved.

4 weeks pass january 17th

Logan and Rory have been living in the house together for just under a month without sex and she's starting to wonder if he would go else were for sex if she isn't having sex with him so she decides to put him to the test, Every spare moment she got with him she would tease him but not have sex, She went to his office at lunch to have a hot and heavy make out session and some dry humping or even groping and she did this for two weeks before she finally brought up with him about what he has been doing to release his tension, she knew he wasn't having sex with anyone since he wouldn't hide it from her as he wouldn't be able too.

"Logan I have to ask, everyday for the last few weeks we have been getting pretty hot and heavy but we haven't been having sex, what have you been doing to keep yourself comfortable?" Rory asks

"Honestly, Its been a mix between cold showers and masturbation" Logan says shyly

"So no girls" Rory asks knowing fully well

"Rory, you are and always will be the only woman I want and honestly your all I can think about and I would never have sex with someone else just to release some tension" Logan says

"I'm glad to hear that, I think maybe I may be ready to start the more physical side of a relationship with you again, these last 2 weeks have been killing me and masturbating just isn't cutting it anymore I need the real thing, I need the father of my child" Rory says

"You don't have to if your not ready, I don't want to make you feel like you have to just to keep me from exploding or going anywhere else" Logan says

"I'm doing it for us, You know I love you with all my heart and I know you love me. I want us to be together, we will take it slow as things progress we will let it happen we may not have sex today but what happens, happens as long as it's just the three of us ok" Rory says

"Deal, just the three of us making a little family" Logan says smiling

4 weeks pass February 14th

Logan goes off to work at his normal time after giving Rory a kiss and hug saying goodbye, they are still sleeping in separate rooms and not having sex yet but they do still get each other all worked up and pleasure themselves often. Rory goes for a nap around 9am and around 11am she is awoken by someone knocking at the door so she answers it

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