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November 12th

A week has passed since Rory called Logan and told him, He hasnt even contacted her at all, She's actually not even that upset because she's been spending a lot of time with Jess. Jess has been staying in the apartment above the dinner and most nights Rory sleeps there too, Jess went and got her a tooth brush, Hair brush, Pj's and everything else she would need for spending the night over, He let her sleep on the bed when she is there but sometimes she wants him to hold her at night so he sleeps in the bed with her. Luke and Lorelai are actually happy jess has been so supportive and helpful to Rory, They know she really needs it from a peer not just a parent, jess has even seemed to have changed since he was a teen he's been more talkative and letting Lorelai know things and has been very open about wanting to keep it non sexual beyond kissing a bit, he wants them to know he really does still care for Rory a lot and wants to be around for the long haul.

He's been taking her to appointment's and making sure she is well fed, Hes doing everything Luke would do to make sure that Rory and the baby where eating properly, Jess has even been getting her to journal about how she's feeling so she has something to look back on later, he said he wished he had more stuff from when he was young and he would have loved knowing what his mom want threw during her pregnancy and even after jimmy left.

They ended up talking and laying in the bed and she said she wanted to do writing again but she couldnt seem to get a job at any paper's

"Write a book" jess said

"About what" Rory said

"Something you know" jess said

"Like what my life is in shambles I'm not sure what I know anymore" Rory said

"Write about you and your mom, Your relationship growing up" jess said

"Thats genius, Who knows it better then me well other them my mom" Rory said

"Exactly no one could tell it better" jess said

Rory got to writing from the beginning right away and jess went grocery shopping, She had the first 3 chapters done within hour's it just flowed out of her.

"Jess can you do me a favor?" Rory asked

"Yes anything" jess said

"Can you read the first 3 chapters and let me know what you honestly think I mean brutally honest" Rory asked

"Yes, I will but I'm sure its great" jess said

"I mean brutal honesty" Rory said

"Yes Darling" Jess said with a snicker and a smile

"I'm going to lay down, Can you get me some ice cream for later please jess?" she said

"Yes then I will read while you sleep" he said

"Ok" she said

There was a knock on Lorelai's house door

"Hell.o Logan Hi what can I do for ya?" Lorelai asks

"Where is she I need to talk to her" Logan says

"I think she's at the diner in the apartment" Lorelai says

"Thank you Lorelai" Logan said

Logan runs off into the dinner and runs up to Luke whos behind the counter

"Luke where is Rory? I need to see her" Logan said

"Logan I dont know if she wants to see you or even talk to you" Luke said

"Where is she.." Logan said

"Upstairs, knock first" Luke said

Logan walks up the stairs and knocks on the door

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